Unboxing Gulper Catfish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
These are two years old now, living off an Endler colony and silversides (with injected vitamins and small catfish pellets pushed into their gills).
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Awesome!!! Eventual goal of breeding?
Awesome!!! Eventual goal of breeding?
It has crossed my mind.... after all, there isn't much else to do with regard to tankmates. Having said that, some years ago I've had Endlers raid angelfish eggs despite the parents standing guard. I think I'd have to remove the Endlers to give gulper spawn a chance. But they're the only thing that keep the tank lively LOL
Do Gulpers breed in caves? I know absolutely nothing about Gulper breeding. Has it been done in the hobby?
Asterophysus have not, but other auchenipterids of a somewhat similar nature have been spawned. They merely interlock pectoral/dorsal fins, and the male partially inserts his seminating organ into the female for internal fertilisation. Eggs should be large and covered in a thick gelatinous mucous of sorts; I doubt endlers would eat them quickly at all.
That's awesome that they're still going strong! I only had one that I got from the legendary R1Ridah and it only lasted me about 6 months. :(
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