UPDATE:Flowerhorn x Red Devil 6 1/2 months w/pics

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yeah i truly have some keepers, id say 4 in the tank are the top fish. Dont forget i still have a pond of about 40 more of them that I havent looked at in about 3 monthes. Those were the smaller ones or nearly killed ones from the tank. My friend still have a tank full of about 50 , so since he doesnt change the water as often his are still alot smaller.
You sold hybrid cichlids that can easily pass for Labiatus/Midas easily at a lfs? Not smart, but they look very nice by the way.

Anyways, reddevilflowerhorn, what did you buy yours labeled as?
2 of my top 4 fish paired up and laid eggs today. the red flowerhorn is the female and she has had the strongest colors out of the batch and completely peeled first, while the male has got some nice flowers and does not show any signs of peeling. does anyone know if the babies will turn out looking good if they are inbreed ?





Its a crap shoot, you could get some really nice looking fish out of this spawn, or a bunch of run of the mill oddballs. Keep posting pics please, I have a Red Devil Male and Female Flowerhorn that keep spawning as well as a Midas Male and Female Flowerhorn the have spawned 2 times so far. Wondering if I should seperate them all or leave them alone and see what happens.