Update new cichlids that I have, and help me rank their growth rates from slowest to fastest, please.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Jul 24, 2024
Hi, I just got myself new cichlids. With proper diets and nice quality water and tank size. Which of these will grow from slowest growers to fastest growers in order.

I have a blood-red parrot cichlid, a flowerhorn, 4 oscars, a blue acara, 5 geophagus tapajos, a red devil, a midas cichlid, 2 firemouth, 2 jack dempsey, 2 green terror, an umbee cichlid, 2 vieja argentea, a vieja bifasciata, a vieja synspilum, a green texas cichlid, 2 managuensis, a motaguense, a dovii, a cuban cichlid, a black nasty cichlid, a mini dovii/grammodes, a fastae/red terror, a salvini cichlid, a jewel cichlid(I knew it's African), a paratilapia polleni, and those that I keep separate, auratus mbuna, demasoni and a malawi eye biter.
Morning coffee hasn’t kicked in yet but am I understanding that you have all those species in the same tank except the Africans?
Morning coffee hasn’t kicked in yet but am I understanding that you have all those species in the same tank except the Africans?
In my time zone, it was midnight when you commented. I was sleeping. Anyways, nah, for now they're separate, All of them are at 2 inches to 5 inches. Once they're all grown up. I might put them in a 50,000 gallons pond I'm currently making.
Morning coffee hasn’t kicked in yet but am I understanding that you have all those species in the same tank except the Africans?
But those African are being kept in their own tank. 100 gallons, with colonies of auratus and demasoni, some peacock cichlids and a few predator haps. Haps will eat Mbuna just like in the wild and the total amounts of mbuna in the tank are enough to keep breeding, I lost some mbuna, sure, but if the haps hadn't eaten them, my tank would be full of mbuna.
Sounds like a fun tank, mate.

You should add a school of pikes and a few aros
BTW, anybody would keep all of this together in "a tank" is probably insane. If it worked out, good for them, their tank is probably enormous as their house. Anyways, I keep them separated, each has their own tank. Soon, they'll be in the upgraded pond.