Urgent need of help! Callamanus worms!


MFK Member
Jun 20, 2014
Canada, BC
Hello, I have a 50 gallon tank that has been fighting these dreaded nematoads for a long time, once clearing up but returning recently after 3-4 months.
Current stock
Golden Severum, No visible sign of worms from anus, still eating
Firemouth , Lethargic, visible worms from anus
Crayfish, I've read they can be the 'host' so He has been put into a bucket with an air pump seperated going through same treatment away from the main aquarium.
I have started treating after looking everywhere for Fenbendazol, or levimsole with no luck, so im doing a combination of weaker treatments hoping it will work, which consists of API General cure 250mg Metrobenzol, 75 ,mg praziquantel, Parasite Guard , Metro/Prazi mix along with two other chem for external parasites, and a blue liquid thats name is escaping me, made for parasite prevention and to aid in secondary bacterial infection.
Filter Fluval 406 100 gallon canister filter

I live in canada, and have talked to a vet but they were no help, offering levimosle at 500 dollars per 2 grams. I cannot afford that on 50$ worth of fish, anybody else have suggestions?


MFK Member
Jun 20, 2014
Canada, BC
Where did the Crayfish come from?
From Petsmart last year, He seemed healthy but I had gotten callamanus worms in the past after getting him and he went through the same treatment, but after reading they can hide in invertebrates for a long time I might have to euthanize him or keep him forever sanctioned in a seperate tank.. Hes a chyrax destroyer, or blue crayfish.


MFK Member
Jun 20, 2014
Canada, BC
Maybe post a pic of worm, just to be sure of species...
I dont have a good enough camera to get a good shot, especially as how tiny the worms are. I've fought them before, so im 99.99% sure its these dudes (countless google searches look identical) but mine aren't at a very high amout of festation, The worm(s) itself look like a read tiny little spike coming 1-2mm out of the anal cavity, but looks like it gets alittle thicker after the spike perhaps. They're barely visible atm, but i think i slowed down the spreading by removing almost all the gravel+decor where eggs could be and took the crayfish out, then did a massive waterchange and cleaned the filter before treating with preventatives and mild general parasite cures (metabendzol, praziquantel combonations, along with an anti bacterial infection/parasite ) Since doing so, the Firemouth with visible worms has started to poke at food, while before he wouldn't touch it however the severum that never lost his appatite, he seems to have lost his hunger right after i started treating (stress from the meds?)