Adema, My first 'analogy' about throwing dogs out of moving cars was simply to imply that the cameraman must have thought it cool to watch what had occurred.
The second analogy is completely accurate. A pitbull vs a poodle is no more a fight than this snakehead vs. the Clarias spp. If it was simply to feed the snakehead, then why feed it a fish over half of its size? Also, why is the title written the way it was written....the term 'vs.' implies a fight.
Lets not beat around the was for shock value, not for food. The person who owns the snakehead liked the carnage it could do to this fish. The same reason why people throw poodles to the pit bulls.
By the way, have you ever kept a large Red Tail Cat? If not, then youll not understand how fish and dogs are similar. They are both pets.
Oh and last but not least.....decapitation is not considered an humane death in this country as it was outlawed as a method of capital punishment in the USA quite some time ago. If you are a fan or the Torah or if you are a Muslim, then you will disagree as this practice continues today in certain parts of the world.
Ask the American soldiers' families who had to see their loved one being decapitated on the internet a couple years ago about how humane it was.....I saw wasn't.
I am obviously in the minority here.....or maybe Im the only one who will cause a bit of controversy. You are correct that nobody forced me to watch the video. To each their own, I suppose.