I didn't browse the entire thread, but just a reminder this fish is illegal to own all over the U.S.
Not that i agree with this, but it is typical that the few responsible people have to suffer the for the sake of the ignorant. If in fact you do have one of these DO NOT release it into your neighborhood pond after it out-grows the 29 tall that you got from your cousins sisters nephew.Because rest assured it will in time. This species has the ability to WIPE OUT the native species that inhabit our eco-systems, and in some cases it has.
Not that i agree with this, but it is typical that the few responsible people have to suffer the for the sake of the ignorant. If in fact you do have one of these DO NOT release it into your neighborhood pond after it out-grows the 29 tall that you got from your cousins sisters nephew.Because rest assured it will in time. This species has the ability to WIPE OUT the native species that inhabit our eco-systems, and in some cases it has.