Update!! First water change. They were very excited at this, both of them zipping around the tank a few hours after the change, inspecting everything to see what had changed. I also got one of the two fx6's I'm attaching to this tank, this one was used from the LFS. He had it hooked up to one of his giant show tanks to keep the biological matter cycling and to make sure it had no issues - I had to pry it out of his hands because he wanted to swap it for one of his fx5's from home
I already had the hang on top filters that came built into the tank but I wasn't happy with the job they were doing, nor the amount of material that could be put into the box. The male was very upset at the intake, which intrudes slightly on one of his hiding spots; he had to hover around it and glare for a bit before he went and got the female out for a swim around. I wouldn't say he was chasing her because the pace was very sedate, but he was certainly following everywhere she went and occasionally picking up the pace so she would scoot forwards before settling back again. No contact was made and she has a few spots she can get to that he can't, but I will be keeping an eye on this as it could lead to aggression. Its worth noting that she went into these hidey holes for no more than seconds before coming back out to resume thier outting, so for the moment I'll enjoy the show they put on - I should set up my bf's gopro in my office so I can take video when they do these things, as I'm usually watching from the other room (I'm a classic creeper) or don't have my phone on me.