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Water testing kits


MFK Member
How many people use reagent kits?
Are they worth the trouble? Are the color differences really easier to read than test strips, and are they more accurate?

I have trouble reading hardness and alkalinity on the test strips!
I'll be honest (going to get beat up here) I had problems reading the API test bottles never tried the test strips. My tank is very mature going on 10 years plus I'm over filtered only have a 9in female Festae and 11in male Midas in a 125, with 3 80% WC a week.
I haven't tested my water in over 4 years
Sometimes, one must tailor the test kit, to sensitivity to individual colors.
If you are slightly color blind in the red (pink) hues, you may want to chose a kit with a green colormetric.
To me the API liquid tests are easy to read
pH (left) using the high range reagent reads about 8.2, nitrate undetectable

The strips are a ittle less obvious , but coinside.
I believe Apera make strips that use a more green distrinction
There are probes that read the numbers for you, if needed.
Your last pic, for a chloride level—is that reading the color of the liquid? I’m guessing that is a piece of professional equipment.

I looked for (inexpensive) electronic testers and got the impression they were really using just conductivity, then maybe gave readouts in other ways. I have a TDS meter (which I use constantly), and I suspect it does that.

Do you know of other types, that actually measure alkalinity or hardness?
My method is...

Use API drip kit when I need accuracy...
Use test strips when I'm confirming consistency...

I like that I can just dip the strip and a few seconds later I get readings across the board. And if everything looks like it's supposed to, I am confident things are what they're supposed to be.

But if something is off on the dip strip... Or if I'm investigating a suspected problem... Or if I'm playing with adjusting something... I go to the API drip tests to see what they real numbers are.

That said... I rarely use either anymore...