Just like the title says; what defines a flowerhorn known as a 'Rose Queen'? What traits must it carry to be called a 'Rose Queen'? Is it just a colour or whole breed standard (e.g. kamfa, zz, etc.)
Not sure exactly but one you see one you never forget what it looks like. Definitely does not look anything like a standard flowerhorn - zz kamfa etc. Heres a pic of one I used to own. Side Note: it was was of the most aggressive fish I have ever owned, thats why I no longer have it.
Its just a high grade non deformed parrot starts out silver like a syn and fades to light orange or deep red wide fins with a big fan tail like parrots and usually have white eyes sometimes yellow but price range is inbetween a king kong and a darmo or mammon usually any where from 50 to 80 bucks at 5 inches I wouldnt consider it a breed or strain cause males are infertile like parrots and fertility is what seperates a hybrid from a strain or breed
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Rose Queens dont have to be flowerhorns nor do they have to be dwscended from BPs. Im on the tablet so a bit hard to use, just search for mine or Chris' post on them.
This has educated me a lot. I do believe my female 'flower horn' is a rose queen. She's a little fighter at only like 6" yet whoops the crap out of my male ZZxSynspilum who is around 10" and solid. She has almost neon orange colour but has a typical female flowerhorn shape. file:///Users/CalebOtt/Desktop/Screen%20Shot%202014-03-16%20at%209.48.05%20pm.png
I was told by some folks they thought mine was a male rose queen .I got it as a red texas here is a series of pictures of when I got it to today . Complete color change took 3 weeks and he has pearl dots behind his eyes and down the top of his back.. sorry for all the pics ,but if someone can tell me differently I would love to hear what they think. The 2 people who told me were in a gcca cichlid club one started the club and the other bred flower horns. I myself not sure I thought the color change was bizarre . They also offered me 500.00 for the fish. I refused as he is an amazing 13" monster now