What do you do when you hate your neighbors

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Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
We moved to DE about two yrs ago. We love it but hate our development. At 1st it was great we were the 1st to build, the next handful of people we're great too but now that the place is almost full I hate almost everyone. I almost wanna ait that I miss my old neighborhood in NYC.

How do you all deal with crappy neighbors
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hello; hope you get some decent suggestions. I moved into my place 8 years ago. The three closest houses had families. Now two are rentals with college students. Last fall in one place there were 7 students in a three bedroom house. They had six or seven adult dogs plus 11 puppies. They would put 3 or 4 in a fenced backyard much of the time. One dog was a barker and did so a lot.
They had the cops called on them a few times. For letting their dogs use a neighbors yard as the bathroom once. For letting the dogs run lose another. Surprise it was not me who called the cops as I made a deal with them not to if they did not leave the dogs out at night.
This year should be better. The landlord finally caught on about several extra people and the damage the dogs had done. I tried to tell him early on about the damage but he cut me off before I could say anything by saying "I only rent the place I do not have anything to do with what they do."
I bet he would have liked to know what was going on as he had to have a crew in to fix a lot of stuff. I think he has made some new rules as the new people are so far very considerate. No 11 puppies left in a small pen to whine and cry all day and 3-4 dogs barking at anything that moved.
My thinking is to move if things get bad again. My place is within a mile of the campus so might sell OK. I just hate to move again.
Good luck
We moved to DE about two yrs ago. We love it but hate our development. At 1st it was great we were the 1st to build, the next handful of people we're great too but now that the place is almost full I hate almost everyone. I almost wanna ait that I miss my old neighborhood in NYC.

How do you all deal with crappy neighbors

What exactly is the problem with them?

My new neighbors are a pain. Their kids run rampant. Smoking dope at end of the lot, putting trash in the drainage ditch, running through the yard partying.

I shined a flood light at their hiding spot and made a kid get on the ground running through the yard. We finally had a talk. Whatever they do is their business just don't do it in an area that turns it into my business. Lets respect one another and our property. Respect me, I'll respect you and everything will be alright.
Thankful that I Iive in a culdasac with nice neighbors. My neighbors are a bit nosy at times and always on out fb community page. If ur not planning on moving then talk with ur neighbors and settle what ever is going on. Most are reasonable and should be understanding. Kind of thing everyone says but better than letting it stew and exploding on ur neighbors later and end up everyone not liking you. Gossip will spread.
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I had neighbors that would drain their in ground pool into my backyard.. actually stick the hose under my fence and flood my whole yard.. they also would cut their lawn and dump the grass on the back of my property.. I've never had to call the cops for anything in my whole life but I had to with these people. It was that or beat the ever living poop out one of them. I chose the humane route
I had neighbors that would drain their in ground pool into my backyard.. actually stick the hose under my fence and flood my whole yard.. they also would cut their lawn and dump the grass on the back of my property.. I've never had to call the cops for anything in my whole life but I had to with these people. It was that or beat the ever living poop out one of them. I chose the humane route

Now that's some grade A douchebagery
I live in a Condo so I’m infested with neighbors. But on the other note my neighbors are some of the most chillest people you can meet, most of them are retired gangsters or old hippies. Although me and my previous neighbor has gotten into a physical altercation one or two times over the stupidest ish. God I hate them and hope their uHaul went flat on their way to their new homes. I feel like after one or two times of you trying to settle things the peaceful way. The only way is to one snitch or two handle your business. I live by the convict code so snitching is not gonna happen. Lol
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Geez, I didn't realize how easy I had it. I've been here 5 years. It's been very quiet we all keep to ourselves. I do sometimes talk to our 1 neighbor. I swear he cuts his yard 2-3 times a week. They are friendly. They have a grown up kid that comes and visits often. He sometimes plays his music loud but it's not too bad. Just a month ago new owners moved next to us on the other side. They brought a big dog(never had dogs in our area). It's loud and barks all the time. Haven't met them yet. Had trouble with HOA griping about junk a few years ago.
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Some times we have to ask ourselves, if it is actually us that is the problem and not others.

I'm going through a phase right now, that I just don't care for people. I often wonder if people around me are just annoying, or an I just becoming more crabby as I'm getting older?

I found a perfect shirt for me yesterday