It's a smaller 25 home development and there is an HOA but tbh that was part of the r ason I baught in here.
So now we are at the stage of setting up the HOA and of course no one wants to do it so my wife and a few others stepped up to the plate.
Now there's a few wash women types and just gemerally discontent trouble makers that basically think she works for them. She's no slouch and can handle herself but it's at the point where all the talking smack behind her back is going to need to be dealt with. Problem is allot of tthe residents are older and umm are of a different life style. Soooooo she gets all pissed when I want to go have a gentlemanly conversation.
One guy in particular is really getting undery skin. This little rodent is an old retired lawyer whos one of those "im the smartest guy in the room" types. He sent her some b.s email today and I'd kind of had it and was going to ring his bell. Wife freaked and I got pissed. He has two strikes already. Strike 3 all bets are off she can freak out all she wants.
I think it's stemming from one of my direct neighbors whos also older (mid seventies) and friends with the lawyer and his partner. We got along great at 1st. But at some point I don't rember the exact story but he was trying to put my wife in the middle of some drama between neighbors and the builder. Told him it wasn't happening. Little snowflake got his nuggets twisted over that. Like how sensitive are you.
Anyway we were talking one day about trees he was planting near the property line and again got all pissy because I politely asked if he was sure he was the correct distance from my fence. There's supposed to be a 10 foot buffer between each house so we can get equipment to the back of our homes in the event of a utilities issue. Plus this is the only access I have to the back of my lot and I didnt want to deal with his overgrown shrubs down the road. Of course he gets all *****y start cursing and what not.
Officer Wife knowing that I'm holding back from clocking him. Just calls the builders rep and asks him to deal with it.
I say fine and walk away. I'm playing ball with my son and this p.o.s calls me rat infront of my boy. I'm on fire at this point but don't wanna act like a maniac infornt of my kid. Im not gonna post what I eventually said to the guy later that day but part of it was what I was going to do if he wasn't 30 yrs older and what I'm going to do regardless of his age if he ever says a word to me again infront of my kids.
His jaw hit floor but anyway since then his been like the ring leader.