What do you get if you win POTM or TOTM?


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Hey, AR1 AR1 , here's your chance to shine! Look up at my last post...see who (or what...) responded? That's a next-level bot, the latest improved model, nearly indistinguishable from human...the inimitable SilverArowanaBot! He's everywhere; he slyly insinuates himself into real human interactions and seems to actually learn how to imitate us. He must be stopped!

Go get him! Only you can save us!!! :nilly:


This is awesome; it's like inciting the squirrels at the birdfeeder to fight each other...:devil:
  • Haha
Reactions: AR1


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
Dang, AR1 AR1 , you're getting good at this! I read that post, with all its telltale bot traits, dutifully reported it...and then coasted down one post and you're already on top of it! I'm impressed! I think you've supplanted Esox as my closest runner-up in bot elimination; I think he's been slacking off a bit recently...:)

Now you've just got to up your game in how you approach them; way too polite. They're not real people, they will not respond or answer your taunts and goads, so have at 'em! Name-calling...threats...insults...derision...it's all on the table when you're dealing with a bot. Have fun! :devil:

Esox knows what I mean; I sent him a copy of a PM I had sent to a bot, back when I was learning their evil ways. He thought I was addressing him, rather than merely CC'ing him, and he almost had a stroke. :)
TBH i already knew he or "it" was a bot, i just quoted it's post to make sure he was one, before delivering the final blow, reporting it!
Sorry to disappoint you but i did it way before you lol. I am finally getting the hang of this!
Hey, AR1 AR1 , here's your chance to shine! Look up at my last post...see who (or what...) responded? That's a next-level bot, the latest improved model, nearly indistinguishable from human...the inimitable SilverArowanaBot! He's everywhere; he slyly insinuates himself into real human interactions and seems to actually learn how to imitate us. He must be stopped!

Go get him! Only you can save us!!! :nilly:


This is awesome; it's like inciting the squirrels at the birdfeeder to fight each other...:devil:
Way ahead of you jjohnwm jjohnwm . I am first becoming its "friend" in order to gain its trust. I PM " it" almost daily, gaining its trust and info about it. Soon, i will deliver the final blow, ending its rein and all the trouble it has caused!
  • Haha
Reactions: jjohnwm

Helm Tetler

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 11, 2024
Some contests offer physical prizes like gear, accessories, or gift cards related to the theme of the contest. Especially in TOTM contests, winners might receive a trophy or plaque to commemorate their victory.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
Some contests offer physical prizes like gear, accessories, or gift cards related to the theme of the contest. Especially in TOTM contests, winners might receive a trophy or plaque to commemorate their victory.
Sounds like another pesky little bot!