I consider severums and Uaru to be similar, they are high bodied, round, with a similar mouth shape.
I believe mouth shape and body shape are taken as cues to determine competition for cichlids.
Piscavores have a different mouth shape because they are predatory, Vieja are omnivores with a tendency toward eating fruits, seeds, algae and plants, like Uaru and severums.

Vieja bifasciata above.
Now some non-similar cichlid shaped bodies, and mouths.

Above an insectivore, and predator Nosferatu bartoni, a more slender body,
Below Parachromis motaguense, predator on insects and small fish, slender streamlined body, quite different than Vieja.

Another obviously non-competitor Paraneetroplus gibbiceps, picks thru the substrate for insects and crustaceans

and below earth eater type, genus Cribroheros rostrum

All cichlids so many similarities other than feeding strategies, but in nature one seldom find those similar feeding strategies together, in the end they compete, until one is successful, and others with are driven out, or killed.