What Fish Got You Interested In Fish Keeping

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I didn't get into the hobby because of a fish i knew jack chit about fish and didn't even care about them, but i got a new job and like 5 people had fish tanks on the job and they was always talking about there fish and tanks so i wanted to be part of the COOL CROWD one day a co-worker said he had a tank and a few fish to give away as he was switching to salt water, i said I'll take them, it ended up being 2 6in Oscars and 2 8in Pacu and a 20 gallon tank. I was so happy went home filled up the tank with water straight from the sink (no prime nothing) then proceeded to throw in a loaf of bread and half a head of lettuce for them to eat to my surprise they lived through the night. a few weeks later i gave the Pacus away and ended up keeping the Oscars for a few years they even breed for me.
Next day i called in sick got on the internet and started my research by the end of the day i ordered a 180 by the end of the month i had around 10 tanks with about 700-800 gallons of water.
When i saw my first Dovii from Marcus Mbuna on YT i fell in love believe it or not I've still never owned a Dovii as i believe you need at least 300 gallons and I've never been able to get a tank that big living in a NYC apartment
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When I was a young bloke in Australia, our neighbors had an in wall tank with oscars. I used to love watching them chase & gobble down feeder goldfish. For my 11th birthday my parents bought me 36”x12”x15” with under gravel filters. Too small for oscars, but I had 1 fire mouth, 1 geo brasilliensis, and a pair of black convicts. By the time I was 15 I had a small fish room w 12 tanks and bred all kinds of CA/SA cichlids. Still keeping fish 43yrs later 😍
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When I was young my best friends dad was a fish breeder and had rows and rows of tanks in his shed. I think I was only friends with him to look at his dad’s tanks. I got axolotls as a 9 year old and would feed them worms. I had no idea about cycling then and I eventually killed it.
you can get 125 for apartment for small dovii. that would last about 2 years till he grows to 12'
My parets had a fish tank on the counter between the kitchen and the dining area. I used to spend a lot of time watching bala sharks, clown loaches, elephant nose fish swim about.
But what really got me into it was green swordtails I got from a friend. Then, i discovered comet + fantail goldfish in farm cattle reservoirs which started catching and selling to the only aquarium store in town. That was in the late 1900's.
I would sneak off to the fish section every time we made a dog food run at petsmart. Can't say what was the first but I know I saw a lionfish one day and wouldnt stop talking about it...mom wisely got me a 10g kit with some "starter fish" instead.

Almost 30 years later I still have never kept a lionfish
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