Sorry for your loss. The phalacronotus were really cool fish and I always enjoyed seeing them on your channel.
Were you able to get an ID confirmation on the catfishes by examining the deceased individual?
Thank you. Crickey! I have completely forgot to take photos of the tooth patches to tell apogon from bleekeri!!! That'd be such an interesting and needed thing to do! The fish has been disposed of.
Figured I’d add some personal experience to this thread. I ordered three Phalacronotus bleekeri. Unfortunately they were bagged together and appeared to have mauled one another in the bag, so only one remains. I took the opportunity to preserve the two deceased fish and was able to view the vomerine bands used to distinguish the two species. I indeed appear to have P. bleekeri
Quite bummed about losing the others but I suppose that is just part of fish keeping. I would love to acquire some larger ones as these are proving to be a pain to grow out