What is the correct dosage for using Epsom Salt to treat 'bloat' in CA cichlids?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
For mild constipation you can add epsom salt directly to the tank water, but for internal parasites that cause bloat, aka hexamita aka spironucleus, then yes, that link provides the correct dosage rate to erradicate the internal parasites most commonly associated with "bloat".
Hands down the best treatment is Clout.

If the fish isn't eating I would agree, otherwise the best treatment hands down is a 3% oral solution of epsom salt. (via presoaked pellets)

Far safer for the fish, dirt cheap, and just as effective as clout, maybe even more so.
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I've also had success injecting a metro solution into the fish stomach via mouth via injector that comes with a children's liquid tylenol. This only works good on larger fish though.

So once the fish stops eating, the epsom salt is only marginally effective?
Did you read the link posted above? :)

The 3% epsom salt treatment is explained in detail, and additional links are supplied for reference. You can inject orally as you suggested, or feed via presoaked food.
I just didn't want anyone thinking that adding epsom salt to the tank water itself was going to cure intestinal parasites.

Studies have shown that when treating fish, prolonged use, or excessive use of metronidazole can lead to severe organ damage. According to Edward Noga et al and the data available in treating fish with metro via their food, the rate should be a min of .25% at a rate of 1% body weight per day (for 5-10 days) up to a maximum of 1% metro at a rate of 1% body weight per day, for a maximum of 3 days. I'm guessing that most hobbyists just take a shot in the dark as far as a dosage rate when treating their fish.

The beauty of magnesium sulphate is that when used to treat certain internal flagellates it has been shown to be just as effective as metro and has none of the drawbacks associated with most medications. (such as potential organ damage)
Excess magnesium sulphate simply gets excreted from the fishes system.