What is the minimum tank size for a Fire Eel?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
if i were to get a 40 or longer fire eel WILD CAUGHT AT THAT SIZE OR EVEN 36" ofcoarse its been in the open all this time,show me the time line from when it was a baby to now and they all have to be from the same fire eel not one at 3" then someone elses at 6" prove it and ill admit i was wrong but without prove like i said i couldve got a 36" wild caught and say it was "tank raised"
We have several members who are keeping M. armatus well above 24". I'm not sure where you could be getting your information, but I would stop relying on that source if I were you. As proof, take a look at akskirmish's old armatus: http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?359404-My-last-Eel-Pic

As for diferentiating between the two species, a much simpler and more practical method would be to just look at its pattern. A completely solid color on the underside means you have a Mastacembelus armatus; the presence of patterning, which can range from the full "tire track" pattern to just a few spots, on the underside means you have a Mastacembelus favus.

im not trying to sound like a smart ass or a jerk i just dont believe that fire eels hit more then 36" in captivity
i do believe wild caught over 36" easilY...for me to believe it i would have to see the time line and pics of the actual eel not one that was bought at 12",18",26"30"36" then someone calls it theirs?
I don't think anyone really cares enough to prove to you personally they can get that big tank raised from a small size? There are a number of species of fish in the hobby that seem to not grow as large as their wild counterparts (even if wild caught)--but fire eels are not one of them.

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im not trying to sound like a smart ass or a jerk i just dont believe that fire eels hit more then 36" in captivity
i do believe wild caught over 36" easilY...for me to believe it i would have to see the time line and pics of the actual eel not one that was bought at 12",18",26"30"36" then someone calls it theirs?

You may believe whatever you'd like to believe, but again, multiple members have grown them out in their own tanks to sizes far beyond that which you "believe" to be the maximum. If you need such extensive evidence to believe this, you'll have to gather that evidence on your own time; I'm not willing to dig through years worth of threads just to prove something that I already know to be true.

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I don't think anyone really cares enough to prove to you personally they can get that big tank raised from a small size? There are a number of species of fish in the hobby that seem to not grow as large as their wild counterparts (even if wild caught)--but fire eels are not one of them.

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Ok watevers I'm not trying to pick a fight over the Internet i just wanted to say what I thought

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You may believe whatever you'd like to believe, but again, multiple members have grown them out in their own tanks to sizes far beyond that which you "believe" to be the maximum. If you need such extensive evidence to believe this, you'll have to gather that evidence on your own time; I'm not willing to dig through years worth of threads just to prove something that I already know to be true.

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So, nice weather we're having.

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Yup yup yup sorry for all this arguments I guess one can't express or say how they see things anyways hope you find what your looking for if it's a fire eel you want go for it but just be ready to find a home for it when it gets bigger ;)

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I felt like we were all acting like kids instead of helping the OP arguing and telling people their wrong and trying to put someone else thought down,if someone was wrong then we could've done it the right way not like we were fighting over a toy,my apology for even letting my self continue that,

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1. I Think the OP can garner that spineys in general are harder to keep then the average fish in a tank - Which imo is very accurate and true, they are challeneging until you get a "feel" for keeping them.
2. There isn't alot of bonified info reguarding the different species... - Thus I would opt for one of the smaller easier to keep species- unless you are willing to get a larger tank in the future.
3. a small side note to make... no ones really addressed how HARD fire eels are to feed. Most often they refuse anything but live foods ( which are much more expenisive then pellets or flakes) They are not "cheap" pets to keep. I spend more feeding my spineys then I do my cat ( who is on a premium diet ).

OP while everyone will disagree on a max captive size for these fish.. well cared for the fire eel will get very large very quick. I have a growth thread in the picture gallery for my fire eels and M. Dayii.. as well as my more or less trials and successes and failures.