What is the rarest fish that you have,or have ever had.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Ptychochromis Oligicanthus
Channa Argus (rare in the hobby and illegal in most places) pretty sure it was an accidental import
Teleogramma Brichardi (a riverine goby cichlid)
Mexican Dwarf Crayfish - I had one of these little guys when I lived in the UK. they came in by accident and theyre extremely illegal. in fact the rest of the shipment was 'Seized and destroyed' which is a little bit extreme. I understand now as a Canadian that they are commonly available but I thought I would include it here for some humor.

Panda puffer
Polleni grouper

Probably missing a few others
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My rarest fish atm would be my "Stiphodon annieae"


Along with possibly my G.Polyuranadon ehich doesnt seem as rare as before :p


Although i was also recently offered a "Cross River" Puffer but wasnt ready to fork over the 1K asking price...
Although i was also recently offered a "Cross River" Puffer but wasnt ready to fork over the 1K asking price...
I was wondering how that turned out.
^ yeah, was tempting but without seeing the fish and having to wait "X" amount of time for them to catch it made me feel uneasy, especially incase it came in when i was out of town...

Finally the price tag was the major killer as i was only really prepared to pay around 500 max for the fish...
Don’t know if it’s rare but I’ve only seen it for sale a few times. I had an emperor cichlid that outgrew my tank so I sold it. Right now I have a platysilurus mucosus that just got beaten up pretty bad.

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Ah man. My rarest was a rainbow snakehead. Filed under lessons learned way back when.
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Remotely,I guess.It is the Papyrocranus congoensis.
Those are super rare. What I'd give for one... How is it with behaviour and food?

My "rarest" fish is likely my wild caught Polypterus senegalus male. Not exactly mythical but uncommon nontheless :)IMG_2512.JPG
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