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What the biggest fish you ever caught?

I caught a 2' largemouth bass once at a lake that was stocked for fishing, this was several years ago though so I do not have a picture, I just asked my dad this and he said he went fishing and got a large stingray, about the size of the hood of a truck, they never even got it onto the boat, it was too dangerous
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I caught an aluminum canoe once. It was folded in the middle, but I unfolded it and it still worked if you kept bailing. I left it by the river because I came on a school trip and couldn't take it home ☹️
(I went fishing during abarbeque. When everyone else was hanging out)
Otherwise it's a 2ft bluefish.
I caught a 60 pound blue catfish along with a 52 and a few in the 40s but that was on a charter on the James River so that doesn't really count so my real pb in a 23 pounder on the Potomac River. I must say my favorite catch is my 15 pound Diamond Sturgeon from a fishing park in Denmark. I put in a 15 hour session then a 8 hour session before finally on my 3rd trip I landed one :).
IMG_0096.jpg sturgeon.jpg
Some of my biggest catches are a 8.1 pound largemouth from a public pond, a 27 inch Sacramento pikeminnow, a 31 inch common carp, and two 1.5 foot long bat rays at the same time.