How many times would you reccomend doing this? Also, would it be better to breed my texas with a female Red Devil as to avoid the infetile male parrot cichlid gene?
Ive been told the parrots have the best results when trying to breed red texas, but Im not sure.
Basically I can do all kinds of cross breeding, I have the Male Green Texas and Female Blood Parrot paired up, there actually looking like they may leg eggs any day.
I also have another male green texas in which Im trying to pair with a female Red Devil, but the red devil may be a bit to small as of now, the meale is not interested.
If Im able to get fry form each pair, would cross breeding these fry do any good as to get the SRT im looking for. I have more time than money and really want my SRTs, not to mention theyre extremly rare in my part of the world.