What to breed with texas cichlid to make a red texas?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
im guessing a red devil and a texas cichlid, but i wanted to make sure it was not something like a red terror and texas cichlid.

someone let me know, i might have to order them from the LFS, i always liked the look of the red texas hybrids.


My Red Texas is trying to breed with our Red Devil right now. The first batch of eggs weren't fertilized but hopefully they can get it down in the future. I have a thread on this board and the Breeding board about it if you want to take a look.
I have used a H. cyanoguttatus crossed with a red devil... only 15% had the pearls, and only 1 or 2 are going to change color. I have found that the offspring of this cross is fertile when crossed with each other. I have a male and female pair that might fade but they have already produced fry (male is 4in female is about 2.5in). I am trying a H. carpintis x KKP and an escondido x KKP. Along with a midas x h. carpintis.
Hi, sorry, I would like to ask a question about Green Texas and King Kong Red Parrot Mating Technique . I'm trying to cross my green texas with kkp . unfortunately every time I remove the separation in the tank...the two fish fight without stopping. sometimes the GT succumbs, other times the kkp ... and so I necessarily have to divide them . I want to point out that to date the kkp has never laid eggs, even though it shows signs of wanting to lay. Could you kindly help me ? Thanks so much
Hi, sorry, I would like to ask a question about Green Texas and King Kong Red Parrot Mating Technique . I'm trying to cross my green texas with kkp . unfortunately every time I remove the separation in the tank...the two fish fight without stopping. sometimes the GT succumbs, other times the kkp ... and so I necessarily have to divide them . I want to point out that to date the kkp has never laid eggs, even though it shows signs of wanting to lay. Could you kindly help me ? Thanks so much