What's in the box? It's polys!


MFK Member
Oct 31, 2016
fat moke!

told you the sen would be a porker :p
you did say that! At least I don't have to worry about it eating or putting on size. Piggy senegal was trying to eat everything.

That del have some unique pattern:)
thank you! It and the moke haven't eaten yet. I offered tilapia and NLS large fish sinking pellets(full ones and crushed). Moke sniffed the tilapia, but wasn't interested. Any suggestions on other options that might interest them?
HD yall:


Staff member
MFK Member
Jan 14, 2016
South Africa
Give em time they'll chew everything once esablished, in my experience bloodworm, all sortsa pellets, fish meat and peas?? (and the cb sometimes chews pieces of sand)
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
May 1, 2016
Yey bay bay
Feed at night, lights off:)
Never had a moke and idk if they are picky eaters, but ornates are known to be picky at first, turning lights off helps alot, some say to soak pellet in bloodworm, but tilapia should work.
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MFK Member
Jun 4, 2016
I messaged you but my Moke was a little slow to start eating and is till a less vigorous water than the rest at times. (Depends in the day and what I'm feeding.)

Try fish again. If not, live blackworms, live earthworms cut up, krill, Silversides are more smelly because they're whole fish. Soaked pellets in bloodworm juice will make the pellet transition happen. I would expect pellets to Ben taken last after the other items.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 5, 2017
Flint town!
When I got my moke my lfs had to keep him for about 2 weeks before I had time to go get him. He was 5-6 inches and super skinny. They said he was active and seemed healthy when I went in to get him, and he was. They also said they had not seen him eat except for live black worms which they feed very sparingly, like once a week and only with finicky eaters. So I thought great hes not gonna eat and black worms are hard to find on a regular basis. I brought him home on an off feed day so he cruised the tank all day checking everything out and everyone. The next day he was piled up with all the other polys and when I fed I used the carnivore pellets, he gobbled them right up. He doubled his girth in 2 weeks! I usually only feed carnivore pellets every other feeding but I fed those every time for those two weeks. He doesn't like any of the pellets I feed but will eat a couple if that's all there is. He sits there in the middle of the tank looking at me like ummm you forgot something SIR! When he realizes its not coming he'll eat a couple pellets and go into hiding. If you are going to feed those with the little guys in there make sure to break them up into 3-4 smaller pieces. My moke likes smaller bits too but I do it for the small guys I don't want them to choke or work to hard to eat. So in synopsis Feed something stinky or wiggly, and I think decorations ,hiding spots help in general health and happiness of our polys.


MFK Member
Oct 31, 2016
When I got my moke my lfs had to keep him for about 2 weeks before I had time to go get him. He was 5-6 inches and super skinny. They said he was active and seemed healthy when I went in to get him, and he was. They also said they had not seen him eat except for live black worms which they feed very sparingly, like once a week and only with finicky eaters. So I thought great hes not gonna eat and black worms are hard to find on a regular basis. I brought him home on an off feed day so he cruised the tank all day checking everything out and everyone. The next day he was piled up with all the other polys and when I fed I used the carnivore pellets, he gobbled them right up. He doubled his girth in 2 weeks! I usually only feed carnivore pellets every other feeding but I fed those every time for those two weeks. He doesn't like any of the pellets I feed but will eat a couple if that's all there is. He sits there in the middle of the tank looking at me like ummm you forgot something SIR! When he realizes its not coming he'll eat a couple pellets and go into hiding. If you are going to feed those with the little guys in there make sure to break them up into 3-4 smaller pieces. My moke likes smaller bits too but I do it for the small guys I don't want them to choke or work to hard to eat. So in synopsis Feed something stinky or wiggly, and I think decorations ,hiding spots help in general health and happiness of our polys.
that's an amazing story! I like that your moke stares at you and eats the pellets secretly.
Mine managed to eat tilapia. Rejected the frozen thawed tilapia, but ate fresh. Albino will eat anything and has the typical CB appetite. had to hand feed the Delhezi, but it ate. yay!!! Like the idea of feeding stinky things, maybe that's why they ate the raw tilapia.

spent 3.5 hours rearranging like 10-15 rocks in the maintank, but then ended up getting scared that it would crack the glass, so I took most of them out :(. Still trying to figure out how to make the main tank more interesting, but also poly friendly so the moke can turn around. was 40ppm nitrates AFTER a water change...so did fin level WC today. Want to get the parrots looking good(or rehomed) before adding the poly party. Don't want to chance getting the polys sick.

Changed water on the poly tank, there was 1ppm ammonia after having them in it for 5 days! QT is not cycled. since they are in there for a bit, I added some black sand, rock, and a marimo moss ball. Going to be much more diligent with the water testing.
they really like the heater.....did some weeksii-nine planking too

Wanted to add more things in there, because I found them like this......lol. They needed more things to play with. SO MUCH ROOM FOR ACTIVITIES!!!!

after adding the sand and a WC:

will have to figure out how to add some black or darker sand on top or mixed into the main tank to keep the greens.

Full treatment tank shot:
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