whats your biggest cat?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
:banhim: :screwy: can i kick you too? JK lol:eek: but seriously can i kick you too?

15" B. Juruense here. Im kind of kicking myself though for passing up on a 24"+ planiceps for only $80!
xxblwn408 when my planiceps is finally that size I can put him in my pond with the big boys. Is that substrate on his head?
what size did you get him at mine right now is 7" do you think it will grow that big in a year.............do you know the growth rate? i could never find it

When I got him, he was 2" at the most. I got him for $30.00.

necrocanis-Yes thats black sand on his head. He had just turned around and made a little sand storm and some of the sand came to rest on his head.
My biggest is my 12" Megalodoras uranoscopus although at the wideest point he is 5" across not including pectorals.

Closely followed by my Ageneiosus Brevifilis, whos a bit longer but not as big in the body he's about 14" long.
I have a 7in synodontis eupterus, and a 6in TSN.