Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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They are 5 inch now and are perfect in my 150 high but I have my older first 150 waiting so trust me, I am a CA American Cichlid guy been raised on them since 89 bro , what you saying I already know but my 310 houses 12 Giants easy no bumping free swimming , perfect feeding light aggression
Here is a fullgrown buttikoferi in a 180 gallon tank. That's larger than yours, can you imagine him with 7 other 12"+ fish in here, and them all having room to happily swim around?
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My grandpa sealed and repaired Tanks for years , I have a tank I had longer than you been doing this and Pops see my tank and my understanding of fish and Loves it , along with Fish Bros, so thanks for your attention and stay tuned for my 310 you might see other fish you haven't seen in years bro
Alright man, I can see you won't reconsider, so I wish you the best of luck. No doubt tanks can be packed like a sardine can, for me personally I never feel like those fish look happy. A 310 is a much better size, I have seen some packed 285+ tanks look okay. Just a 150 isn't all that big. But post your 310, I'd be interested to see it
Only fish I ever lost was non or semi aggressive Cichlids that was given to me on beauty , but the rest I raise and sale off at 10 to 12 inches to someone with a slim solitude tank I hate those old fashioned tanks , but when I post my 310 all those big fish are for sale , I ship too
Those slim long tanks are like jail bro, Sorry 24 inches or wide tanks should be recommended for Cichlid that reach 12 inches and up
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And relax there only babies now you see tons of room on the photos, I don't do crazy tank banging fish cause of solitude
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