which one is cooler?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2005
Chula Vista, CA (San Diego)
cenecker said:
Bearded Dragons.
They're like tiny dogs.
And they do the cutest little dance right before they snuggle next to you in bed.

Tegus have more personality than that actually. Mine sit on the couch with me, beg for food, etc....pretty much everything cats do. Moreover, they are the only reptiles I EVER encountered that honestly seem to enjoy being pet and even crave human attention (I know reptiles don't really have the capacity for affection, but theres some compelling evidence that tegus actually enjoy the company of thier owners). IMO they are hands down the closest thing you can get to a puppy with scales.
how big do they get???? size is everything for me right now, otherwise i would buy one from you :grinno:


MFK Member
May 15, 2005
Eternal, Impenetrable Darkness
my largest is actually the one I'm selling. He's 4 ft. Thats about max size for blues. Red and Argentine B&W males can be 5'+. I have a male arg. B&W (my profile picture there on the left)...he's ten months old and 42" Should be five feet next year...I hope :)


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 10, 2005
I love my beardie I think he would be my fav no matter what. The next time I get a semi large herp though I WILL get a BTS because they are also very cool just require more space and money. If I had the time money and space I would have a Tegu right now! But that is the problem and that is why so many people have them. Tegus can get wild if you dont handle them for a while and actually hurt you. BTS and beardies cannot hurt you badly. Maybe draw blood but not much. My beardie has bit me before on accident and it did not hurt a bit.



MFK Member
May 15, 2005
Eternal, Impenetrable Darkness
Tegus can get wild if you dont handle them for a while and actually hurt you.
Well to be fair...thats true of any large predatory lizard and if you aren't prepared for that than you shouldn't own one (of course lots of people AREN'T). Its sad really, I've got a couple of tegus that haven't had human contact thier whole lives...I managed to tame them within a week.

One was actually given up by some guy who said he "just couldn't get it to calm down" I don't know what the hell he was talking about, it took me three days to turn her into a puppy. SHe's sitting on my lap right now. With Tegus it REALLY takes only a minimal amount of attention to make the tame.

The other major problem with them is that they are VERY greedy when it comes to food, and they quickly learn a routine. That creates a major problem with feeding responses. i.e. - everyday the cage door opens and a rat falls in the cage...one day the cage door opens and a hand comes through instead...well I guess that must be food! A lot of "aggression" is just a feeding response...it's a dangerous mistake to feed these little monsters in thier cages.

But yeah...they do grow large...and get VERY expensive to feed (believe me they have INCREDIBLE appetites :22_yikes: ).

jason longboard

MFK Member
Apr 12, 2007
wow,ppl voted for beards who never even had bts before,lol.Hey,where are all these BTS owners now,you guys still around,lol.Ive had both and the skink is way easier to handle,it may take some work with some to tame em but I think they seem way smarter than the beards did too,but I love both,my fav is the skink though.Oldschool thread,lol.


Gr8 Stalker
MFK Member
Feb 14, 2008
Great Mills, Maryland
jason longboard;2330405; said:
wow,ppl voted for beards who never even had bts before,lol.Hey,where are all these BTS owners now,you guys still around,lol.Ive had both and the skink is way easier to handle,it may take some work with some to tame em but I think they seem way smarter than the beards did too,but I love both,my fav is the skink though.Oldschool thread,lol.

Why the Bumpers, Jason?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 31, 2006
I've kept both lizards and here is my assessment:

Bearded dragons:
- Pros: very personable; has a very cool appearance (dragonish and spiky); nice, moderately-sized lizard thats easy to handle
- Cons: high metabolism so needs to be fed constantly (ideally 2x daily for babies); poops a lot, so very regular spot-cleaning is needed; always seems to have a distinct odor (maybe just me); grows very quickly and being active, needs a lot more space as an adult (compared to a blue-tongue)

Blue-Tongued Skink:
- Pros: very personable; comes in a variety of different coloration & patterns; will eat pretty much anything; slower metabolism so can fed every 2-4 days; slower, so easier to catch any escape attempts; even as adults, do not require that large of enclosures do being relatively inactive animals (compared to beardies)
- Cons: can be expensive initially (compared to beardies); lack the spiky, dragonish look of beardies

I vote for the blue-toingued skink.

jason longboard

MFK Member
Apr 12, 2007
Ophiuchus;2330885; said:
I've kept both lizards and here is my assessment:

Bearded dragons:
- Pros: very personable; has a very cool appearance (dragonish and spiky); nice, moderately-sized lizard thats easy to handle
- Cons: high metabolism so needs to be fed constantly (ideally 2x daily for babies); poops a lot, so very regular spot-cleaning is needed; always seems to have a distinct odor (maybe just me); grows very quickly and being active, needs a lot more space as an adult (compared to a blue-tongue)

Blue-Tongued Skink:
- Pros: very personable; comes in a variety of different coloration & patterns; will eat pretty much anything; slower metabolism so can fed every 2-4 days; slower, so easier to catch any escape attempts; even as adults, do not require that large of enclosures do being relatively inactive animals (compared to beardies)
- Cons: can be expensive initially (compared to beardies); lack the spiky, dragonish look of beardies

I vote for the blue-toingued skink.
  1. nicely put.:)OPHIE
  2. NOREMORSE,I was so bored.
  3. REPTECH,I very much love both,but something more pet like to me about the BTS,I like how they move around more like a moniter with more focused movements and like they have a plan or want to find one,beards are more stop and go,run over here,stop,stare at you,run over here now,stop,stare,do another line,run over here now and try to climb the glass,fall,bite the female,bob your head,crap right under the heat lamp to refresh your house.But yeah I love both,just BTS better.:)


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jan 30, 2007
If you all ready have a bearded dragon then get the skink or mabye a tegu :)