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White head looking zit bumps on fins?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
I have noticed a 2-3 little bumps on my Texas cichlids' tail for a couple months and haven't really given it much thought. Well now my little midas has a couple of these same looking bumps on his tail as well as his dorsal fin. I have never really seen this before. It doesn't appear to be affecting them however I want to approach this with caution all the same. I don't know as if I will be able to get a close enough pic to show, so unfortunately this may have to be the best info and closest look I can give you. Anyone have an idea as to what it could be? And if needing to be treated, how to treat?
There's no way to tell what it is, unfortunately. It doesn't fit the profile for ich because in the average tank the ich life cycle is less than a week long (meaning that the infection in the tank would have skyrocketed by now). Can you tell us what temperature the tank is? Also do you add salt to your tank? Those two factors could hinder ich from reproducing normally, but... I'm inclined to think your fish may have encysted larval trematodes (i.e. flukes). These are generally harmless but they are unsightly. How long ago did you get your fish, and... do you have any snails in your tank? They are the intermediate host for trematodes.

Another possibility is lymphocystis, or Mycobacterium granulomas, but unfortunately both of those are hard to diagnose unless you can get a sample.
Well Natalie, in answering your questions, I have had most these fish since June 2010. I purchased the midas, a GT, and senagal bicher back in early February this last month. There was a small outbreak of ich on the GT but I took care of that and I haven't seen any other problems since other than these bumps. Again, the texas has had the bumps for a couple months, where the midas just a couple weeks. I keep the temp of the tank around 76. I keep my house set at 60 in the winter to save on electricity as it gets cold in South Dakota. This probably doesn't help the tank temp and I probably need another heater anyway on this 125. I do add a bit of salt when I do water changes as well.

I mentioned to a few other friends about these bumps and they thought possible flukes as well. The texas doesn't seem to have the appetite he use to and the midas doesn't for sure. Let me know what I can treat it with if it is flukes. I don't have access to much in town except Jungle brand stuff which I have gone with and has worked well in the past. I will be able to hit a petco and petsmart next weekend and we're going out of town so I could pick something up then. Like I said, other than maybe a change in appetite it doesn't seem to be bothering them any. I hope this helps get an idea.
If they were flukes, then they shouldn't cause any adverse effects in the fish such as decreased appetite or body condition. The flukes I'm talking about are encysted digenes. Your friends may be talking about "skin and gill flukes" which are a different type of parasite (adult monogenes). With those I would expect to see flashing, increased skin mucus, and respiratory difficulty. Are you seeing any of those signs?

If it's the encysted digenes, then: 1) you wouldn't see any adverse effects, and 2) there's no way to treat. I don't think it's encysted digenes unless they contracted the infection before you bought them. There would have to be snails in your water that are passing on the infection to your fish.

What did you treat the ich infection with? It could be that it wasn't completely controlled and is returning.
My Jag has the same things on her fins.

I salted the tank last night for their precautionary monthly salting that I do- but she's had them since I got her for over a year...

They don't get worse, but they don't get better.
Could you put up some pics? How big are the pimples?
Post pics? I can try. It won't be for a day or so though. They are about roughly the size of the ball in a ball point pen, maybe a little bit bigger at the biggest. I think my GT may have one now on his side flipper fin. Sorry... Not enough of an ichthyeologist to know the name.
There is a possibility it could be lymphocytosis. My Texas Cichlid and male festae had it and unfortunately both died. (that is why I wanted to see some pictures). Lymphocytosis is a nasty viral disease that shows red, pink or White spots on the body of the fish. (mine were always on the base of the fins). Lymphocytosis is incurable and very contagious within the tank. If you do have lymphocytosis in the tank, all you can do to prevent it from killing your fish is to keep the fish stress free and maintaining the water very well. I really really do hope it is not lymphocytosis. I will try to find some more info for you.