Who Goes to the Local Auctions

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
kendog1;1651204; said:
what are these auctions you are talking about, ive never heard of thme before, can anyone tell me if there is such a thinng in new york, or where i might be able to find out or look it up for myself???

arkmann;1651710; said:
How do I search for my local fish auctions? Google does not help a lot.

IITUFFTOBEATII;1651717; said:
I didnt even know this type of thing went on, how do you find when and where they are?

Auctions are usually started as stated by the local clubs.. Mainly the auctions are held By the Reef clubs and the Cichlid clubs.. This is due to the popul;arity of these two sections of aquaria can support such events.

The best places to look for notification of local auctions is your LOCAL club , Loacla aquaria site, local online classifieds are also areas that club members post the time and location..

Also Your local friends that are involved a little mor edeeply than you are or just in a different section that you.

Also Sometimes you can find out through LFS emplyees.. They may be reluctant to tell you out in the open as they are working for your LFS.. But at the same time will be some of the best people to ask if none of your friends know..

Also Google your area and Cichlids in the same line.

These are a start to finding them ;)

rallysman;1651384; said:
Auctions are fun, because around here the crowd goes for plants/shrimp/small live bearers. That leaves all of the larger fish for the few people that keep them. I got some red shouldered severums cheap from an auction, and the response I got was "I hope you have a tank big enough for them".

Here they are in that mode too :D The local Plant keepers are fully supported by plants they have no idea why they sell so well !! :D

hamato_yoshii;1651391; said:
Lol, I've heard that before. I just got a tip that there is an auction by me this weekend...hopefully I can sneak out and go!

How did this go?? Did you make it??

JD_MAN;1651404; said:
^ That's what I was going to say. The local club here is into the smaller fish, so the big ones go cheap. :headbang2

Around here they are going through some changes.. But Calvus keepers just got rich at our last auction!!!

tuaniee;1651684; said:
the auction is the best place to go if you are looking for some nice fish. i went to the first one this year and got about 40 fish for under $100


tuaniee;1651694; said:
the best deal i got was 2" 12 fronts for only $10


JD_MAN;1651810; said:
The local fish club has an auction twice a year. See if there are any local clubs in your area.

Ours is this way too.. For the Larger auctions anyway.. They still have smaller auction for like ten minutes I think once a month at one of the weekly meetings;)

rallysman;1654301; said:
We have one rather large fellow that is at every auction. He'll bid like mad on killies, rainbows, and anything to do with plants. However, if someone is auctioning guppies or white clouds he'll start saying "Feeders..........feeders.....FEEEEEEDDDDEEEERRRRS"

Does anyone else have "that guy" at the auction? I guess I need to point out that his favorite fish are feeders as well.

I did that once.. Not really loud.. But It was my 1st auction and I was childish about being annoyed at the non American selection ;) I still razz some people but.. No longer loud enough for more than a couple people to hear.

I get in trouble mainly for my loud voice... Even at a whisper I can be heard for quite a distance :(

BushFishRox;1654444; said:
well I think if you are going to carry on like that then you should not attend the next auction... :ROFL:

Really though.. I annoyed myself at that first one... :D

Kogo;1654586; said:
auction are a great way to try a species you've never kept before. you get the best info when you buy straight from the breeder.
I completely agree... I am still surprised at what is found locally!! And I know most the local breeders now due to the auctions!! ;)

Anyone else go to your local Aquaria club auctions???
Also forgot to mention allot of killer deals on Tanks and Equipment are found at your local auction!!!
were is the on in chicago any info i can have?
repticland;1660503; said:
were is the on in chicago any info i can have?

I would start here if i were in Chicago ;)

Calendar and events ;)

But this is also your local forum and club I believe ;)
Thats how I move excess fry from my fishroom.Most of my fish come from auctions.Youre not kidding on deals,saw a 45 acrylic corner tank complete setup go for $30 recently.No local clubs around here, most auctions are a 2 hour drive each way for me.You can buy heathy fish,better than lfs stock,plants that will actually survive,books and everything.Many auctions will have vendors selling food and equiptment at prices youd only find online.Im getting a 5lb bucket of NLS for $40 this week!

This saturday nycichlids.com is having it spring auction.Heavy on african cichlids but lots of everything.5 rare plecos to be raffled off.In the past this was a members only auction,this time open to the public!Its 2.5 hour drive for me each way and I havent missed one yet!Anybody within 3 hours of north jersey/nyc area this is worth the drive!!!!
i WAS going to go to one in columbus ohio but it got moved due to all the snow we got and i never found out when new date was