• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Whenever he posts his fish he shames the rest of us.. but I think also inspires us ;) Lovely gar. all these beautiful gators still make me want one. maybe some day.

True. But you'll never meet a nicer guy than he is.
how long u had em

The A. spatula I bought Feb 23, 2001 from Jake at The Fish Place in Tonawanda NY. it was 10.2cm/4inches and cost $8.99.

The L. osseus I received Feb 3, 2000 from a hobbyist through Jerry Draper at The Tropical Fish Room in Brantford Ontario at no charge. It was 27.9cm/11 inches.

Both made their way to my 15kg/56kl and then to the 52kg/196kl where they are now.

While feeding the tank pellets and flakes today the longnose took out a small frontosa female about 15cm who was paying too much attention to eating and not noticing the ambushing gar. The gar caught her at about the 8 1/2 foot/260cm deep level. The gar always takes off at full speed when it captures anything and goes to the far back corner of the tank which generally is dark and about 25 feet/762cm away from the area I was feeding in. The fish looked too wide for the gar to eat it but I never know for sure. The shoal of brycons always try to steal the gars food from its mouth and that's why the speed and flight plan. The Arapaima low res arapaima head.jpg also took out a synspilum about 25cm this morning during the feeding period. This happened at surface level when the pima came straight up and nailed the cichlid eating floating pellets.

low res arapaima head.jpg
Yes, sounds like it was. We see the same thing with the big gar taking food, running with it, then sitting on the bottom to eat it. They will tackle some pretty big meals. Caught one A. spatula on a rod and reel that weighed about 2.5 pounds. The bait he was trying to swallow was also about 2.5 pounds.
True. But you'll never meet a nicer guy than he is.

Indeed... why haven't ya'll made him a mod yet?

few years ago he let me pick his brains abit about aba aba knives and his knowledge has helped us raise a beautiful fish.

And outside public aquariums I think his 2 take the cake... I haven't even heard of a captive LNG over 30" probably some outdoor pond kept Gators over the 4' mark but not many I'de wager.

arapaimag would love to see a feeding video focused on those beasts.
Indeed... why haven't ya'll made him a mod yet?

few years ago he let me pick his brains abit about aba aba knives and his knowledge has helped us raise a beautiful fish.

And outside public aquariums I think his 2 take the cake... I haven't even heard of a captive LNG over 30" probably some outdoor pond kept Gators over the 4' mark but not many I'de wager.

arapaimag would love to see a feeding video focused on those beasts.
sure he is a nice guy, but just like Solomon they are busy people and don't really have time for modding the forum. The only thing that I would like to see some time is knowledgeable people can put a post in a just closed thread to share their professional opinion on the problem that so many people had to fight over it.
-hi all,
entertaining thread here. just figured i would post one for fun since all my large gars are now on public display (i'm happy to say that i do have SOME gars at home in a tank now though). just wanted to post a pic with this ancient alligator gar...we were able to check it out several weeks ago at The Field Museum in Chicago. it's over 100 years old (specimen is from 1908) and the fish is well over 8' long. they have the remnants of some other true monsters in the collection (this is the largest whole mount though).

hoping to get more active (relatively speaking) on the forum again; for those who weren't aware, the East Coast Monster Fish Konvention was a big success and i am sure we will hear more about it via posts/pics from others in the upcoming weeks. was great to meet a lot of MFK members and fellow fish nerds, and also pushed me a bit to get back to activity on the board. later!--

ALG - SRD Field Museum.jpg
thats one bertha of a gar i saw a longnose once in the wild behind the Leesburg Dam in Alabama that pushed 7ft easily it has been by the biggest gar I have ever seen in the wild.
thats one bertha of a gar i saw a longnose once in the wild behind the Leesburg Dam in Alabama that pushed 7ft easily it has been by the biggest gar I have ever seen in the wild.
I don't think there is such a thing as a 7ft long nose.