Why aren't short tail nurse sharks more popular then nurse sharks?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yes however if I am going to be doing breeding them I'm most likely doing it for 1 of 4 reasons.
1. To help an endangered species
2. To get an unknown species known better.
3. To help me get the gold breeding award here to help my acomplish my secret goal of getting the triple 3 crown.
4. Just because I love the fish (horn shark)
What about bowfin, rare or extirpated in much of their range, breeding in ponds is easy
Others in trouble:
Boccaccio rockfish
Alligator gar (northern range)
Colorado pikeminnow (in my dig right now)
Gila topminnow
Butterfly splitfin(near extinct in wild, but small and easy to breed in captivity)
All sturgeon species
I'll take a look into them, right now I only have a few fish that I'm planning to get into breeding.
I'll get you a list when I can.
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