Why do many Filipinos like putting potentially large fish in small tanks?

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I see many people in the Philippines put alligator gars in small aquariums, including channa argus, like seriously these fish grow up to a meter where are you gonna put them when they grow huge. If ever they don't grow it is because their growth is stunted due to the limited tank dimensions. I've talked to some people who intentionally plan on stunting their fishes' growth..

same everywhere just all over asia get that rep but really that's where most of the fins come from anyway...

In Asia, lack of space, expensive tanks and cheap fish.
Space is at a premium in places like Japan, Singapore, and Korea with families happily living in spaces Americans would deem tiny. Maybe they just don’t have the same paradigms folks over here have regarding proper tank space or they just don’t have the room to spare. Could explain their love for shortbody anything.

Cant say the same for China or Philippines as I haven’t been and don’t know what living conditions are like. What I can say though, it’s not for lack of fish knowledge. I am always astonished how healthy their fish look even in such “crowded” conditions.
I agree I think that's why they lean more on aquascaping, shrimp or small group of fish esp for Koreans, Japanese and Singaporean I've met and visited. The thing that catch me tho are the exotic and expensive fish they have on a small tanks. They are well taken care tho.
When you measure in litre the scale increases, or rather gets measured by equivalence in other country's "standard." Most aro keeper i know overseas for asian is average 240 litre. That's 65 gallons so yes, it's funny how the "standard" gets overlooked when you compare to skill level, or just plain & simple a different style of fish keeping. Bigger the tank not necessarily the better, but the better the fish...tank size gonna get questioned. Keep a sturgeon in a little pond vs keep a big ass dog in a little bitty backyard, Same same same.

If u can rock an asian aro in any tank that it'll eat in & stay healthy in, who cares where u live just try not to compare your style of fish keeping in respects to those that keep perhaps the opposite style. Make it your own + love your fish that's all that matters. Seen bad ass aros in tiny tanks that'll fade some monster tanks any day.
Lack of knowledge and impulsive buying. Which most beginners do. Even Pet shop seller here are not knowledgeable. As long as they can sell it is fine. I think this applies not only here but also around the globe.
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thats very common in cartimar and other local petshops I have seen small to big fish on an small seller tank species was rainbow shark and red tail shark south american cichlid and oscars and iridescent shark or paroons and other smaller sized fish and I think they dont care about caring the size of the fish as I know thats all thanks.
thats very common in cartimar and other local petshops I have seen small to big fish on an small seller tank species was rainbow shark and red tail shark south american cichlid and oscars and iridescent shark or paroons and other smaller sized fish and I think they dont care about caring the size of the fish as I know thats all thanks.
Buy yourself a ticket overseas, enjoy the tanks you see. So you Responded to this post 3yrs later, the day after i posted my 5lb, 2ft barra, after i had just celebrated his 399th day in my tank.. & today is day 400. seems like you wanted to make a statement about this topic. And your gator gar I bet is in a large pond I bet? We are all jealous of your privilege.

You want to judge anyone's tank...start with the killer whales in Sea World. Keep your posts coming I can't wait to see what other advice or 2 cents you contribute. The MFK community looks fwd to your expertise. Are you asian? Or just like generalizing? Thanks so much