Would This Work

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
what is the deal? are the Piranha that you ordered going in with the oscar? or you dont actually have and oscar and what ever in this tankl?
very, very bad combo IMO. i have had red devils and oscars in the past, and once they reached sexual maturity they fought constantly and my one rd beat up my 2 oscars really bad. convicts in that mix would just be bad mojo lol between the devils and convicts they will kill your oscar-i can guarantee that.

btw if im not mistaken, arent you the same person who just ordered 12 pirannhas also to go in that tank?

you really, really need to read up on compatibility issues and see what is compatible with what-you cant just throw fish together and cross your fingers (though that would be nice if it worked lol). that tank is not big enough for what you want to put in it, and you cant put all of those in there, unless you like wasting money lol.. i would ditch the oscar (its not big enough for a 12+ inch oscar for life), the 12 pirannhas, and RD and go with a pair of breeding convict. and thats it. or look into dwarf species of cichlids-german rams would look cool in there, with plants.

what size tank is that?
Lupin;1878405; said:
2 pairs of convicts is asking for trouble. They can defend themselves well enough for the sake of their fry and territory. If I were you, do it in another tank, not the tank where there are other inhabitants in it. On another note, your tank cannot handle two large fish. Keep only one. It is either the oscar or RD for you.

The bad combo aside.. you feeder convicts should be in another tank, or separated by a wall of eggcrate, alowing freflowing fry & juvi, but no adult Cons with the other fish.. Also you would nee to increase your water changes cause "convict pee is poison to all other fish" I have never had luck with cons in the same water as any other fish. Cons live & everything else dies, they are like the borg.
lol the borg. if your cons cant assimilate the others, they will consume them!
Let me sum up

Q:'Would this work?'
A: No it won't

Hope you can get another tank sorted out for them:)
1 rd would be that tank
mike dunagan;1889724; said:

Ok, a bit drastic, but I have never been able to keep anything else with cons