They are very very tiny, if you can see them.
So, after all this time; when my husband was cleaning the tank, we saw a very small baby yellow lab. It was alive. It was probably a little smaller than a fingernail. It was hiding under the driftwood that we have for the pleco.
We have no idea if there are more. Where do these things typically hide until they are old enough?
I doubt 40 babies made it, but if 1 made it....I'm kind of thinking more made it.
Also, that freakin' fish is carrying viable eggs again!!!! 3 times in 4 months. She is a breeding machine.
Feel we will wake up one morning and see all these yellow labs in the tank all the sudden.
If many do survive to a decent juvenile size, then we will have to give away or sell them. We do not have the space in our tank to keep them and we have no desire to buy another tank right now.
Would appreciate anyone letting me know what to expect in the next few months possibly.