I am going to order a pair of zebrina pike next week and I'm wondering if they do better in pairs or solo
I'm buying a group of 4 and waiting for them to pair offPlease plan ahead if you are planning to keep a pair . If juvenile pikes are kept together chances are they will bond and form a pair. But if adults are bought and idea is to keep them as a pair . It's not impossible but difficult.
There are other parameters to this equation as well like tank size. Biotope. Hiding places and tank mates
It's probably going to be a 6x2x2 180 gallonDepends in the size of your tank.
Less than 100 gallons, only one.
Sufficiently more than 100, gals maybe 2.....but
and as said above
They are found in and evolved to live in the soft, tannin stained, low pH waters in Venezuela, and Columbia, and have been in the hobby quite a "short time", so adherence to natural and proper water parameters will determine health.