
  1. B

    Broken Claw

    I have a Blue Crawfish, his name is Blue (I know very original). Today he somehow managed to break his claw. He didn't break it off, he broke one of the 'prongs'(?maybe I'm not sure what it's called) in the middle. It didn't snap clean in two, instead it's just a break with his muscle and tissue...
  2. P

    Dark spot top of crayfish's leg

    Pterry molted about 4 weeks ago, and since then, I started noticing a small dark spot on the undercarriage in front of his back left leg. It has been getting progressively bigger. I think that leg seems to be not doing as much as it used to. The local pet store did not recommend a salt bath...
  3. P

    Dark spot top of crayfish's leg

    Pterry molted about 4 weeks ago, and since then, I started noticing a small dark spot on the undercarriage in front of his back left leg. It has been getting progressively bigger. I think that leg seems to be not doing as much as it used to. The local pet store did not recommend a salt bath...
  4. P

    Detritus worms and crayfish, and crayfish has dark spot

    Hello, We have one crayfish (grade 3 science class, came home to us in Dec 2016) in a 10G tank with a water filter. We give him newt and salamander sinking pellets (all the local pet store had since so many grade 3 kids suddenly got crayfish!). He (Pterry, named for the prehistoric marine...
  5. A

    Crayfish room temp

    Hi everyone.. I have been taking care of several crayfish now (blue and red) but I'm still confused about the room temp where I'm placing the aquarium. I did some research and I always see that the ideal water temp is 70-75 F. However, some articles suggests that I keep them in a warm...
  6. P

    electric blue lobster/crayfish carrying eggs

    so i have an "electric blue lobster" that im fairly certain is just a crayfish (possibly a marbled crayfish but im not 100% sure) i have no other lobsters/crayfish in my tank, only a panda molly, and the crayfish appears to be male (again im not 100% sure since i cant see very well so i cant get...
  7. xDestro

    Cray fish barb safe?

    I'm getting close to setting up my tank and one of the fish I want Is a small school of rose line sharks (Denison barbs) but I also want a white crayfish. Would my barbs be safe with a cray fish around? Would it be best to let my barbs grow larger say 4 inches or so?
  8. S

    Need recommendations

    I'm setting up a 20long that will have a big piece of driftwood in the middle and a few live plants. I need help with a stock list. Here's what I got so far 1x L200 pleco(preferably need him in there) 3x otos 1x dwarf Mexican crayfish 10-20x RCS 4x panda corys I feel like I'm missing a middle/...
  9. 1

    Free marbled crayfish fort worth pick up only

    Hello! I've got a lot of marbled crayfish that I need to get rid of (they have multiplied and multiplied....). Free to whoever wants to come pick them up! My tank is getting way overcrowded, but I don't want to kill them [myself]. (They are parthenogenic, pretty docile, and eat mainly...
  10. Barrbar

    Any larger crayfish available in the US?

    I see red claws available everywhere but i'd like to grow out something bigger like Marron (Cherax cainii or tenuimanus) or Murray river cray (Euastacus armatus). I did find one online store that's currently selling Cherax tenuimanus but i'm hesitant due to some unfavorable reviews...
  11. SeymourAndHisCat

    Stocking Suggestions South American

    Hello, I have a 50 gallon tank with Fluval 405 (100 US gallon) canister filter Current fish; 1x Banded cichlid (Golden Severum) 8-8.5 inches 1x Torpedo Barb (Roseilene Shark) 4 inches 1x Electric Blue Crayfish 1x Some sort of Geophagus 4 inches, sold under Red headed tapjos, however looking at...