Help with set up purchase decision


Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Aug 12, 2015
Greenville SC area
It's not hard to set them up. Hardest part is valving the pump down if needed. Most should run wide open and won't be any trouble. Make sure you look at how it's set up now so that you can duplicate what is already there. Take lots of pics if possible so you know how the puzzle goes back together.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
May 15, 2016
Got it for $150. The tank was up and running up until I got it yesterday. The tank is 12 years old and was professionally re-sealed 3 years ago. Got it home and filled up in my carport to leak test it, but I'm still nervous for some reason. I didn't know it had been re sealed until I picked it up. He didn't mention that during our discussions. I had already driven 1 1/2 hr to get it, and he had already moved all his corals and fish/crab etc. So I felt obligated. Is resealed bad, I mean I know people do it, but how often? Am I just being a nervous nelly? I've never had a tank this big, I'm just picturing a flooded living room. Also, it's really warm where I live so how can you really tell a small leak from evapration. I know look for water, but there was dew this morning on everything. I'm hoping all is dry when I get home from work today. How many days is sufficient for testing? Thanks. And feel free to tease me, I know I'm a nervous nelly. Just looking for a little reassurance and tips.


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MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
There is nothing wrong with a resealed tank if its been done right.
I've resealed many and they have lasted decades.
If it doesn't leak over a few days, its probably fine, if it leaks, you'd usually know in the first few hours. If you need to move it again just be sure you don't let it twist, that's the thing that will make it leak.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
May 15, 2016
I was rooting for you to set up! Leaking; really?
Yea, sucks. It's a small leak, not gushing leak. You know how tanks have the plastic supports across the top and bottom? Well the bottom support under the tank pools water in it. Filled it when I got it home Sunday and noticed water droplets under the glass between the glass and support.
Freaked out, and my husband said, drain and let dry out and see if it could just be water from the move. (When I picked the tank up the guy selling the tank sprayed it out with hose. So maybe, the droplets were from that.)

So I drained it, and let dry out. Started to refill today and before much water was in tank, started to see droplets in the support again. The sticker facing the glass was getting wet too.
image.jpeg image.jpeg


MFK Member
Aug 14, 2014
Fish Tank
That's too bad seller wasn't honest about that - assuming it did exist prior. I see where you said is wet, but where is it leaking?


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
May 15, 2016
That's too bad seller wasn't honest about that - assuming it did exist prior. I see where you said is wet, but where is it leaking?
I'm not sure where exactly it's leaking. I'm guessing somewhere at the bottom where the back meets the bottom. The silicone all looks pretty good, so I don't know. The seller swears he had no idea it had a leak. My husband pointed out some water marks in the wood on stand. But it's in the back, so who knows, maybe it's a leak from moving, maybe it was small enough he didn't notice the leak, maybe he knew. Doesn't really matter now.
My husband is trying to encourage me to just reseal it. I've been reading the forum about silicones used, and oppions vary so much, I'm clueless on what to use. It's so much water volume, I want to use whatever is best! I've watched some videos on how to reseal. Looks fairly simple, but they are doing 10-20 gallons.
Then there is in the back of my mind when I was a kid helping my dad reseal a tank, I had a horrible allergic reaction and had to go to hospital. The Drs never did an allergy test, but bc of what I was doing at the time, they told my parents I was allergic to silicone. Ugh! I haven't touched it in the wet form since. Lol, maybe if I do all the grunt work of cleaning and taping I can convince my husband to do the actual silicon application when I'm not home. The fish are my hobby, not his.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
May 15, 2016
That's too bad seller wasn't honest about that - assuming it did exist prior. I see where you said is wet, but where is it leaking?
Or are you thinking it's not actually leaking? Condensation maybe? It wasn't wet when tank dried out or didn't appear to be, but as soon as I added that little bit of water in photo I started to see those droplets under the glass again and the stickers look wet to me. ???


MFK Member
Aug 14, 2014
Fish Tank
Based on what you've shared, it sounds like there's a leak, and, I don't think it's merely condensation. It would be good to know what section exactly in the seal is leaking. Is it wet in any other spots other than the center brace where the sticker is? So if seal was leaking, perhaps the water is moving down the channel of the brace?