Seeing as every other day there is a new thread entitled "monster for my 10 gallon?" or "need pred's for 29" i figured it would be cool to start a thread with fish that are considered to be "monsters" and what size tank they can live in. And maybe later on a mod could sort them out by tank size?
If we could post profiles for monsters/predators for tank sizes 2.5 to 40 Breeder that would be great. Also if its alright, please try to follow this format:
Scientific Name
Common name:
Care Level:
Size: (in centimeter)
pH and KH range:
Temperature range: celsius (fahrenheit)
Origin: countries
Temperament: peaceful, semi aggressive, extremely aggressive
Compatible Tankmates:
Tank Size for Adult:
Narrative: essay/description
References: Cite your references if possible.
If we could post profiles for monsters/predators for tank sizes 2.5 to 40 Breeder that would be great. Also if its alright, please try to follow this format:
Scientific Name
Common name:
Care Level:
Size: (in centimeter)
pH and KH range:
Temperature range: celsius (fahrenheit)
Origin: countries
Temperament: peaceful, semi aggressive, extremely aggressive
Compatible Tankmates:
Tank Size for Adult:
Narrative: essay/description
References: Cite your references if possible.