The End-All Mini Monster Thread

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 17, 2008
West Virginia
Seeing as every other day there is a new thread entitled "monster for my 10 gallon?" or "need pred's for 29" i figured it would be cool to start a thread with fish that are considered to be "monsters" and what size tank they can live in. And maybe later on a mod could sort them out by tank size?

If we could post profiles for monsters/predators for tank sizes 2.5 to 40 Breeder that would be great. Also if its alright, please try to follow this format:


Scientific Name

Common name:

Care Level:

Size: (in centimeter)

pH and KH range:

Temperature range: celsius (fahrenheit)

Origin: countries

Temperament: peaceful, semi aggressive, extremely aggressive

Compatible Tankmates:


Tank Size for Adult:

Narrative: essay/description

References: Cite your references if possible.


Scientific Name: Belonesox belizanus

Common Name: Pike Livebearer

Care Level: Relatively easy

Size in Aquaria: Males around 10-13cm (4-5")/Females around 18-20cm(7-8")

pH and kH range: Not picky, though preferably hard alkaline

Temp Range: 24 30C (75-85F)

Origin: All along Atlantic Central America

Temperament: Peaceful to non-conspecifics

Compatible Tankmates: Anything non-aggressive or small enough to be eaten

Diet: Carnivore, meaty foods

Tank Size for adult: 40 Breeder for females or pairs/20 Long for males

Narrative: One of the larger Livebearers, with character :)

References: Mongabay, GSMFC, 500 popular FW fish book
Scientific Name: Ctenopoma acutirostre

Common name: Spotted Climbing Perch,Leopard Ctenopoma, Leopard Bushfish

Care Level: Easy

Size: 15 cm

pH and KH range: PH - 7.0

Temperature range: 28°C (82.4°C)

Origin: Congo River Basin (Africa)

Temperament: Semi Agressive

Compatible Tankmates: Other fish larger than 8 cm

Diet: Live Bloodworm, Daphnia, Brineshrimp, Cyclops. Frozen equivelent is ok too. May eat pellets and flakes. LOVES feeder guppies.

Tank Size for Adult: 29 Gallons

Narrative: truly magnificent fish - the Ctenopoma acutirostre is pure eye candy. The striking leopard like pattern and short spikes on the fins give the Ctenopoma acutirostre an exotic look. These fish are a part of the unique Anabantidae family, freshwater fishes from Africa and Southern Asia. They are related therefore to the ever popular Betta Fish (Betta splendens).


Scientific Name: Carinotetraodon travancoricus

Common name: Dwarf Puffer, DP

Care Level: Easy, if you can get it on dead foods

Size: 1.3 - 4 Cm (.5 - 1.5")

pH and KH range: Soft to medium hard, 6.8 - 7.8 pH

Temperature range: 23 - 28C (74 - 82 F)

Origin: Indian Sub Continent

Temperament: Semi aggressive

Compatible Tankmates: Preferably kept in a species tank, ottos and corydoras make good tankmates however no long-finned or overly aggressive tankmates

Diet: Live black/blood worms, Frozen bloodworms if trained

Tank Size for Adult: 2.5 gallon for single, 1 more gallon per extra DP

Narrative: The smallest freshwater puffer, great little curious fish, best kept in planted tanks

References: Badmans,, aqua articles
View attachment 340937

Scientific Name: Archocentrus sajica

Common name: Sajica cichlid

Care Level: Easy-moderate

Size: 5", 12cm approx

pH and KH range: soft and acidic

Temperature range: 74-78

Origin: South America

Temperament: peaceful, but will eat small tankmates

Compatible Tankmates: Compatible fish, anything over 2" that will fit in a 40 gallon short of exodons

Diet: Cichlid pellets

Tank Size for Adult: 29 gallon for pair

Narrative: Basic cichlid but shows very nice colours when adult. are peaceful but can hold their ground against anything weaker than a Jack Dempsey.

Scientific Name: Exodon paradoxus

Common name: Exodon, Bucktoothed Tetra

Care Level: Easy if given sufficient space

Size: 10 - 15cm (4 - 6")

pH and KH range: Not picky, but comes from soft, acid water

Temperature range: 24 - 29 C (76 - 84F)

Origin: Amazon River Drainage area

Temperament: Can be quite aggressive in shoals

Compatible Tankmates: Eachother, large robust fish

Diet: Carnivore, Raw shrimp, BW, etc.

Tank Size for Adult: 20L for small shoal, 40Breeder for large shoal

Narrative: Somewhat of a "miniature piranha" fast moving, good looking, shoaling predator

References: Aqualand, Opefe
Scientific Name: Anomalochromis thomasi

Common name: Thomasi Juwel Cichlid, Juwel Cichlid

Care Level: Easy

Size: Males 10 cm (4'') Females 7cm (2.8'')

pH and KH range: pH 6-7.8

Temperature range: 24-27°C 75-81°F

Origin: Western Africa

Temperament: In my Experience Very Agressive

Compatible Tankmates: No fish with long flowing fins. Fish need to be able to defend for themselves.

Diet: Live; crustaceans, aquatic insects, Tubifex, flakes; pellets; tablets

Tank Size for Adult: 20 - 25 gallons will house two pairs no problems

Narrative: In my time with these fish they have been nightmares. Agressive, boistrous and annoying. They become VERY agressive in breeding and will vicously defend their eggs to fish twice their size, nipping their fins and chasing them around. I may have just been unlucky :(

References: My bad experiences and

Thomasi juwel FM.jpg

Scientific Name: Thalassophryne Amazonica

Common name: Prehistoric Monster Fish

Care Level: Relatively easy if you get it on live food

Size: 9 - 14cm ( 4 - 6")

pH and KH range: Not picky, hails from soft, neutral water

Temperature range: 24 - 28C ( 75 - 82F)

Origin: Amazon River Drainage Basin

Temperament: Sedentary, but very predatory

Compatible Tankmates: Nothing overly aggressive or small enough to be eaten

Diet: Quarantined feeders, raw shrimp/fish

Tank Size for Adult: 20H if kept alone, 20L Breeder for multiple

Narrative: Very ugly, sedentary, yet interesting fish, looks like the "freshwater" stonefish, but is completely freshwater. Needs thick substrate to burrow. Venomous (sp?)

References: wiki, PFK
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Reactions: Tyrone609
Scientific Name: Betta Albimarginata

Common name: Whiteseam Fighter

Care Level: Rathhar Difficult

Size: 5 cm (2'')

pH and KH range: pH 5.5 - 6.

Temperature range: 27 Degrees (81 F)

Origin: Asia

Temperament: Peaceful

Compatible Tankmates: Small cichlids, most fish that arent agressive but are under 10 cm :D

Diet: Frozen Meaty Foods

Tank Size for Adult: 20 gallon Long :p

Narrative: Gorgeous fish worth keeping if the space is available :D


Betta Albimarginata.jpg

Scientific Name: Dermogenys pusilla

Common name: Wrestling Halfbeak

Care Level: not the easiest, but not too difficult

Size: males 1.25", females 2.75"

pH and KH range: pH 6.5-8.0

Temperature range: 27 Degrees (81 F) down to 68 F

Origin: Thailand through Singapore

Temperament: Peaceful

Compatible Tankmates: other livebearers, cories, other smaller peaceful fish

Diet: frozen or freeze dried meaty foods. They'll eat anything that hits the water's surface/floats. Will also eat flakes

Tank Size for Adult: 20 gallon Long

Narrative: Small but will put up a fight. Males will wrestle with each other using their extended lower jaw. They won't swim any deeper than 7" below the water's surface.

References:, Half-Beaks.htm
TFH magazine