Scientific Name macrognathus siamensis
Common name: peacock spiney eel
Care Level: easy
Size: (in centimeter) 15
pH and KH range: soft acidic
Temperature range: celsius (fahrenheit) 22-30
Origin: countries indonesia
Temperament: peaceful
Compatible Tankmates: small to med non aggresive fish
Diet: live worms
Tank Size for Adult: 20+
Narrative: nice looking peacefull eel likes to burrow in small gravel and sand a bit picky to feed will come out if you feed it live black worms has an awesome looking nose
References: my huge brain pic of aqua hoby

Common name: peacock spiney eel
Care Level: easy
Size: (in centimeter) 15
pH and KH range: soft acidic
Temperature range: celsius (fahrenheit) 22-30
Origin: countries indonesia
Temperament: peaceful
Compatible Tankmates: small to med non aggresive fish
Diet: live worms
Tank Size for Adult: 20+
Narrative: nice looking peacefull eel likes to burrow in small gravel and sand a bit picky to feed will come out if you feed it live black worms has an awesome looking nose
References: my huge brain pic of aqua hoby