Scientific Name: Erythrinus erythrinus
Common name: Red/Rainbow Wolf fish
Care Level: Pretty easy, if once again, you get it off live
Size: 20 cm (8")
pH and KH range: Again, not picky, comes from soft acid water, will do well from 6 - 8 pH
Temperature range: 22 - 26 C (73 - 80 F)
Origin: Amazon Basin, specifically Peru
Temperament: Somewhat aggressive, but predatory
Compatible Tankmates: Not much. Maybe an armored catfish or pleco.
Diet: Quarantined feeders, raw shrimp. Carnivore.
Tank Size for Adult: 30 gallon for young or 40 Breeder good for adult
Narrative: The smallest, least aggressive, yet most active type of wolfish. Slow Grower
References: Fishbase, wetweb, tropical fish finder

Scientific Name: Erythrinus erythrinus
Common name: Red/Rainbow Wolf fish
Care Level: Pretty easy, if once again, you get it off live
Size: 20 cm (8")
pH and KH range: Again, not picky, comes from soft acid water, will do well from 6 - 8 pH
Temperature range: 22 - 26 C (73 - 80 F)
Origin: Amazon Basin, specifically Peru
Temperament: Somewhat aggressive, but predatory
Compatible Tankmates: Not much. Maybe an armored catfish or pleco.
Diet: Quarantined feeders, raw shrimp. Carnivore.
Tank Size for Adult: 30 gallon for young or 40 Breeder good for adult
Narrative: The smallest, least aggressive, yet most active type of wolfish. Slow Grower
References: Fishbase, wetweb, tropical fish finder