Gar Identification - Post your Gar to be ID'd HERE!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Gar 005.JPGI bought this from a reliable local fish store. Owner said he had sold the Florida gar and had this spotted gar and a longnose gar. I chose the spotted gar. Is this a spotted gar??

Gar 005.JPG
That is not a true gar. That is a species of false gar, that is actually a characin. You will receive better info if you ppost this in the other predatory fish forum. Looks like a Boulengerella maculata.
I bought this from a reliable local fish store. Owner said he had sold the Florida gar and had this spotted gar and a longnose gar. I chose the spotted gar. Is this a spotted gar??

Nope, that's not a spotted gar or even a true gar. It's actually a spotted pike characin (Boulengerella maculata). You'll be able to get more info in the "Other Characin" sub-forum of the "Other Monster Fish" forum.

EDIT: Kevin, beat me to it. :grinno:
can someone ID my gar,,,



im new to this things but so far me and my fam is loving it...

this gar is around 20inch today.. the picture was taken the day it arrives...

also have a silver arowana around 5inch...
can someone ID my gar,,,

im new to this things but so far me and my fam is loving it...

this gar is around 20inch today.. the picture was taken the day it arrives...

also have a silver arowana around 5inch...

That's an alligator gar. I wouldn't put with the arowana because gars do not get along with silvery fishes very well plus it would become food at that size.
That's an alligator gar. I wouldn't put with the arowana because gars do not get along with silvery fishes very well plus it would become food at that size.

yes i put my silver in the other tank..hehehe..tnx for the advice.. ill post a better pic next tym...
:)Gator:)just dont put the aro when its the same size with the gator during emergency