Can someone tell me what species is this little guy? I bought it as a Spotted gar, but I would'nt be surprised if it's not... Sorry for the crappy picture, it's in my 125g and he's not more then 3 inches long... I had to zoom with my camera.
We don't get nice fish at my local fish store, I was so surprised when I saw it in the tank that I had to buy it right away.
would it be safe to put it with a small black ghost knife in a 20g planted tank? I don't want to stress the BGK out, he just arrived too and I don't have any other tanks for now... He looks happy though in the big tank, he ate 10 baby guppies like a minute after putting him in the 125. He's still feeding like crazy on those baby guppies, they just keep disappearing. The other fish I have are all on the bottom and don't move much.