Within the last year chain store like Petsmart and local fish stores that are supplied by Segrest Farm have started selling Red Texas Cichlids. Some of these are indeed Red Texas Cichlids but most of them are in fact a strain of Kamfa Flowerhorn Cichlid. This strain of Kamfa has been dubbed PK Flowerhorn, the PK being "Petsmart Kamfa" for short since the majority of them come from Petsmart.
There is a large variety on how these Kamfa looks like but they are have a few very similar features:
* Nearly all of them have yellow eyes, although some have red eyes when they are very small
* They have a Vieja like head shape
* They have a more solid flower line and caudal eye
Here are examples of this strain Kamfa Flowerhorn
Here is an example of actual Red Texas from these stores
You can also find various examples of these Kamfa Flowerhorn here
There is a large variety on how these Kamfa looks like but they are have a few very similar features:
* Nearly all of them have yellow eyes, although some have red eyes when they are very small
* They have a Vieja like head shape
* They have a more solid flower line and caudal eye
Here are examples of this strain Kamfa Flowerhorn
Here is an example of actual Red Texas from these stores
You can also find various examples of these Kamfa Flowerhorn here