First post, joined after actually reading ALL 44 pages! Yes... I have that kind of time...
Anyway, after reading it all, I didn't see any posts about the actual care of the plant, but I did see a few posts about some people having some stem and root rot occurring. I thought I'd chime in.
Pothos is an Amazonian vine that grows up the sides of trees. It gets its moisture from water trickling down the sides of trees onto their roots which attach to the bark of the trees. That said, they aren't water plants. Not submersible, and not marginal. They just aren't meant to grow in water. What you're doing essentially is setting up an aquaponics planter in your tank. The idea behind aquaponics and hydroponics is that you're growing non-water plants in water by supplying them with a constant supply of fresh, new, rich water. A plant will get rot when the tissue is in an area of low water movement, like the back of an aquarium... That's why you see a lot of people who have been doing this for a while with the plant in a HOB filter or a sump, because the flowing water is constantly supplying the plant with freshly oxygenated water. Crown, stem, and root rot occurs due to the presence of a fungus on that part of the plant from being constantly wet, with little oxygen reaching the roots. By having water moving over the roots, you're oxygenating the roots so that rot cannot set in.
So, my suggestion to people that are having rot problems is to move the plants to somewhere with higher water flow, either to a HOB or a sump. If you don't have either of those, then place it in front of a powerhead or some area in your tank where the water is constantly moving.
Also, Pothos will rot regardless if the stem/leaves are in the water after about 7 or 8 months. They're cheap, so if you don't care, no big deal. If you're looking to have them last though, keep only the roots in the water.
I'll get some pics of my setup on here when I get a chance. I have two sumps, one is set up specifically to grow plants out of, and is a supplement to the main sump. I've got lucky bamboo and Pothos growing out of my overflow box, and in the plant sump I've got Pothos, lucky bamboo cuttings (getting them rooted), Louisiana Iris (not sure if that's gonna work out), and a Spathiphyllum (peace lily). Lucky bamboo (Dracaena) are another real good plant, and cuttings root real easy. You can get a tall one and chop it up into 10" pieces, and as long as it has flowing water over it, it'll root in about a week. They like dim light too. Spathiphyllum are the same way, dim light. They're a marginal plant though, so they actually live near water, so they're a little hardier.
Hope this helped out a little!