I've this pothos vine in a vase filled with water that's been neglected for some time.. Never changed the water once only gets topped up once in a while..
Two weeks ago, I decided to put this vine in my fish tank (trying to save the pothos so to speak)
The vine itself is leggy with 12 pale leaves..
When I pulled the roots out, it smelled horrible probably due to roots rotting.. And on the roots there's these tiny seedlike growth falling off..
If I remember correctly, pothos don't produce seeds? So the next thing I did was rinse the whole pothos thoroughly under running tap water..
Since then I've placed the roots in my tank and have new roots sprouting, even the aerial roots get some new growth.. but I've yet to see new leaves pop out..
My main question is, does anyone know what those seedlike growth on the roots are? They are kinda hard in texture..
Sorry no pictures as I forgot to take them