Well I said I ran out of screws, so I bought more! Here's another ten pounds of screws to finish out the framing when I get a chance to get back into the tank. Literally (lol). I'm stuck at work tonight so hopefully I'll have some more framing done tomorrow which will allow me to start moving on to the fiberglass!
I also bought sixteen of my ten inch lags. I'll have to wait awhile to do the lags from the top of the uprights, but I figure I can go ahead and do the lags on the bottom.
After doing some serious pondering, I've decided that I'm going to add another round of 2x4s around the opening for the window. After I'm done with the fiberglass, I suspect that I'll only have about an inch all around for the glass to rest against and on which to silicone the glass to the fiberglass. That makes me nervous. With the extra layer of 2x4s, there should be about two and a half inches all around which will be much more conducive to my peace of mind. I'll still have a nice, 24" viewing window, too.
Running total for the tank: $350.