If you want to harass someone about a gg being in a tank too small, mines in a 44 gallon hex (with a ton of plants and over 700 gph of filtration)
Hes been there about 3 months he was smaller than my dwarf gouramis when i first got him, im setting up a 125 for now which will hopefully give me about a year to get the next upgrade planned and setup.
Hes extremely smart, likes to watch tv, harass the peacock eel, eat sunset hygrophilia and subwassertang, mostly eats worms, live brine, i get him feeder guppies every now and then. Doesnt seem interested in eating plants unless their pretty and aquatic. I cant keep anything anabantid, grey, or generally gourami shaped (festivum cichlid) with him, but hes ok with my pike, rams and elephant nose. He doesnt bite my peacock eel, but he will nudge it and lurk around it until it spazzes out and flies around the tank like a khuli loach
edit: my water isnt cloudy, its just got 250 watts of metal halide that my phone doesnt know how to handle