GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Mine is in a 300 gallon tank all by herself and she uses every inch of it - and she's only about 14 inches. I can't imagine her in anything smaller than that.
Thanks for our answers !! I really want to offer them a big tank but it's rare to find big tanks at affordable prices in Reunion Island :(... (a 375 gallons single tank (no filter) is about 1400 euros :0)
Thanks for our answers !! I really want to offer them a big tank but it's rare to find big tanks at affordable prices in Reunion Island :(... (a 375 gallons single tank (no filter) is about 1400 euros :0)

You really are remote, I guess big tanks are really hard to come by, a 300usg tank could handle a GG for life with a decent filter,

Sorry for the lack of replies but it's been hard to get on recently



new pick up.
Matt body,black mottling.
eyes dark black with bluish tinge.
Stunning, thanks for the share, looks like a girl BTW
I have a red tail giant gourami about 15cm
i only got him 2 weeks ago when he was 13 they grow pretty quick
but it wont eat as much as a red tail giant gourami would....but the colours are really starting to show