Where can you buy shovelnose sturgeons?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Anyone know where I can order some of these?

That would indeed be the $64,000 question! I had some about 20 years ago but they weren't shipped well and arrived in bad shape. Only one survived he was cool, loved black worms and live daphnia, a rock tumbled down out of the decoration and killed him. I haven't seen any since.

The US gov originally suggested that an incentive to breeding shovelnose sturgeon would be selling them to the pet trade but for some reason that never panned out and european sterlets were imported instead which to me raises all sorts of red flags from the introduced species perspective.

I love to get some fertilized eggs and hatch them out, some other larger sturgeon are or were available that way.

To bad we can't get
Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanni
http://www.fishbase.org/summary/8764 that would be the ideal fish to breed and keep!
I remember seeing some shovelnose for sale in a pet shop, in 1993.
There are some Siberian Sturgeons on aquabid at the moment.
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Different, yet similar. They were the closest to his question available at the time of posting :)
^ Exactly what I did. Would love some shovelnose but I had to settle with Siberian. Temps in my pond get around 78 in the summer and they are doing great. Anyone else pickup some Siberian?
Different, yet similar. They were the closest to his question available at the time of posting :)
There are better options over a Siberian or white sturgeon....not mentioned that these other smaller sturgeon species are readily available. Just can't believe you suggested a Siberian over the readily available smaller species.
There are better options over a Siberian or white sturgeon....not mentioned that these other smaller sturgeon species are readily available. Just can't believe you suggested a Siberian over the readily available smaller species.

Oh the horrors, oh the humanity!

As said..i searched online, and they were the only ones that were easily accessible. Im not in the USA, so i don't know what is, and what isnt readily available.

Tell ya what, how about you find those "other, readily available smaller species" and post him a link where he can get them in this thread? That would be nice of you. I took time to look for him, and that's what i came up with. You on the other hand, had a go at my suggestions after i actually took time to look, rather than taking the time to look yourself.