Where can you buy shovelnose sturgeons?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I've seen lot of sterlets (smaller species) for sale online quite regularly, especially on aquabid. He should check on aquabid.
There are better options over a Siberian or white sturgeon....not mentioned that these other smaller sturgeon species are readily available. Just can't believe you suggested a Siberian over the readily available smaller species.
Why it'd be quite feasible for many people in the US to keep a Siberian or a white.
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There are licensed government-based hatcheries breeding shovelnose sturgeons but, I don't recall any offering individual sales in the last 30 years.

I search the net regularly for shovelnose sturgeon, I feel like that if enough of us keep inquiring eventually they will be released into the pet trade by some enterprising breeder.

Shovelnose have quite a few advantages over almost all other sturgeon, warm water, tolerate smaller tanks to name two.

I'm not sure if you have any influence specifically to this end but experienced aquarium keeps like us should suggest that shovelnose be released into the pet trade when ever the possibility comes up, do you agree?

I have heard that Russia is breeding these http://www.fishbase.org/summary/8764 which have an adult length of about 12 inches would of course be perfect but I would like to see this subject brought up as often as possible on as many forums as possible.

Far to many fish forums are so ill informed about sturgeon that any chance of keeping any species is asserted as being impossible because they get so huge or require cold water, which of course some do, but not all and shovelnose are the best choice for North America since they are native and purely freshwater.

Sterlets need a more brackish setup and the fish themselves are not as suited to captivity.

So I am suggesting that we (meaning people who would like to have shovelnose sturgeon released into the pet trade make as much noise as possible and maybe the squeaky wheel will get the grease.

Any thoughts?
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There are better options over a Siberian or white sturgeon....not mentioned that these other smaller sturgeon species are readily available. Just can't believe you suggested a Siberian over the readily available smaller species.

Please enlighten us all on which "smaller species" are "readily available" here in the US bc like everyone else albino sterlets at 500 bucks a pop off the idiot on eBay. Other than a humongous pet store that can turn the fish around quickly who the hell has that money for that space... but please if you know something we don't enlighten us and give us the websites or locations where you have readily seen other species available
Please enlighten us all on which "smaller species" are "readily available" here in the US bc like everyone else albino sterlets at 500 bucks a pop off the idiot on eBay. Other than a humongous pet store that can turn the fish around quickly who the hell has that money for that space... but please if you know something we don't enlighten us and give us the websites or locations where you have readily seen other species available
Look at the date. They're always available on aquabid often but it just depends on the seasons.