Cheap plants, less nitrate! POTHOS

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Here's a pic of my sump with a 1yr old Pathos, which started out from 3 small clipping, they're now over 7 feet in length and have been coiled several times. I've had to start trimming them as they're starting to get out of control. The second pic is my 3week old Bakcoy's. I'm currently trying to determine which one will grow faster, the one on the left with a constant drip or the ones on the right with roots fully submerged. The media I'm using to grow them in is a Hydroponic clay stones, which I've had success growing peas and various herbs using the drip method.


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Looks great deMoon! I can see new growth daily on the pothos I have in the breeder-box. I'm going to have to add/make something to allow it to climb upwards towards the top of the window.

The clippings I have submerged in the basket on the lower tank is growing slowly. I'm wondering if it's from the weekly water changes, where the roots sit exposed to air for 20-30min.
180G heavily stocked freshwater tank in garage. Using 500ml of purigen in 40G sump, consistent 80% water changes every Sunday. I have pothos growing in my tank for a year now, probably 8ft long, but only sprouting 2-3 new leaves every month or so. I just added a 27W CFL grow light, been using 4+ hrs daily for a week now.

Should I trim the pothos roots to encourage more growth? My nitrates are still approx 25-30ppm at the end of the week. Didn't get a baseline prior to pothos use.
My tank has been up for 3 months. It's 7x2x2 in an 8' window so it gets a LOT of sun. I have had 3 prochilodus in there for the last 2 months that have been really happy grazing all day. My pothos has been in there for about a month. I lost one of them last week while I was out of town. I haven't ever seen any algae in the tank, but now the two that are left are actively grabbing the shrimp I feed the other fish. This tells me that, at least, the pothos is taking up the extra nutrients and may have slowed algae growth. Maybe.... maybe not.
I had a bunch of potted Pothos around the house, so I decided to take them out of the pots and throw them in the back of my 125 Stalsbergi tank. Lots of new root growth. I like the look of them. I haven't done any Nitrate tests since putting them in but I may this week sometime.

One of my bunches continues to grow great with roots down in to the overflow box like yours TripleW. The other is going a little slower.

6 days between water changes, 210g my nitrates got up to 20ppm. That was higher than I expected them to get in that period of time. Even though the tank gets a LOT sunlight, there is still no algae and the prochilodus are having to eat pellets and shrimp.
I had a bunch of potted Pothos around the house, so I decided to take them out of the pots and throw them in the back of my 125 Stalsbergi tank. Lots of new root growth. I like the look of them. I haven't done any Nitrate tests since putting them in but I may this week sometime.

is a fish tank supposed to be that loud or it's just the microphone?
is a fish tank supposed to be that loud or it's just the microphone?

Yeah I couldn't tell you why it was that loud in the video. This room is right next to my Geothermal unit...and I think that the door to that room was open...