Parachromis friedrichsthalii id help


MFK Member
Oct 22, 2015
New York City
I believe it was 2013 or 14.
And I didn't bring any back, collecting, keeping alive in transit on flights, and trying to go thru customs is not so easy. The paperwork to do it legitimately is quite complicated and grueling, not to mention expensive. I give a bow to those who get the proper permits and go thru the trouble.
You'll notice in the vdeo, they are not densely populated. I circumvented the entire cenote at least twice, and saw maybe 1 every 20 ft or so, maybe only 10 individuals in all. The video is edited down from an hour of shooting, in most of it there weren't any, just Astyaax tetras, and live bearers. It may have been different if I used hook and line, and fished it in a deep area.
Where I live in Panama at the moment, no animals can leave the country unless a research permit is acquired.
That is very interesting doesn't seems to be very much of them in the video. Well you did a great video. I'm actually from Panama. I haven't been there in a while. Also i didnt know a research permit is needed to take anything from the county. Unfortunately im in expensive Nyc. Where I try to get certain fish from people who deal with exporters, researchers etc.. I couldn't imagine spending soo much money on just trying to get the fish back here.


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MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
I plan on collecting here in Panama, but since I live on Isla Taboga just getting an aquarium here to the island is a major accomplishment, and then bringing something back in the heat alive is another thing altogether. My goals are Tomocichla asfraci, Ithmoheros tuyrense, and Geophagus crassilabrus.
If you ever come back for a visit look me up.
Que vida en Pnama
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MFK Member
Oct 22, 2015
New York City
I plan on collecting here in Panama, but since I live on Isla Taboga just getting an aquarium here to the island is a major accomplishment, and then bringing something back in the heat alive is another thing altogether. My goals are Tomocichla asfraci, Ithmoheros tuyrense, and Geophagus crassilabrus.
If you ever come back for a visit look me up.
Que vida en Pnama
(Es definitivamente sorprendente ) will definitely do.. I hope you reach your goal for those species.